Sitemap - 2023 - PANDA Uncut
'Spikeopathy' does not explain the 'novel' symptoms associated with COVID-19
PANDA invites you to share our journey
The problem with centralisation
Does New York City 2020 Make Any Sense?
WATCH: How Medicine Lost Its Way: The Abandonment of Medical Ethics
Worldwide Covid Mortality Patterns
WATCH: Pandemic in Paradise: the pandemic response in Hawai’i
Actuarial and statistical problems around the Covid phenomen
Covid mortality patterns in the USA
Covid and Climate Change: A tale of two global crises
WATCH: "The people" will not save us
Cockup or Conspiracy? Understanding COVID-19 as a ‘Structural Deep Event’
WATCH: Patterns of Deception and Deviance in the Post-Truth Period
WATCH: Never again is now global
WATCH: Coverup strategies for bioweapons accidents: A case study on the Lyme disease outbreak
Tactics for shutting down debate: Pandemic Preparedness narratives in the UK Parliament
WATCH: Toward a New York City Hypothesis
The British public challenge ceding of sovereignty to World Health Organization
‘De-Growth’ is the latest excuse for central economic planning
‘The People’ Will Not Save Us – Perhaps We Need Machiavelli’s Lions
One Health, holistic medicine, and the poisoning of minds
WATCH: Analysis of Covid Vaccine Safety in the Netherlands
The WHO, sovereignty, and reality
Did lockdowns save the world from Covid doom?
Transhumanism and the Philosophy of the Elites
Was SARS-CoV-2 entirely novel or particularly deadly?
Did side effects from the Covid shots cause any excess mortality?
A timely message to legislators regarding WHO and health emergencies
WATCH: Is Society caught up in a Death Spiral?
WHO’s updated abortion care guideline and its implications for Member States
How many lives were actually saved by Covid vaccines?
WATCH: EMA Periodic Safety Update Report & Pfizer’s pregnancy & lactation review
Are vaccines safe in pregnancy, and Pfizer’s hidden data
What the Diamond Princess tells us about NYC in Spring 2020
Dr Mercola: WHO Prepares Global Takeover
It is impossible that the vaccines saved 14 million lives in 2021
WHO’s pandemic preparedness agenda - a world divided
Covid and the Cult of Technology: Revisiting Heidegger and McLuhan after 2020
WATCH: Quality Issues with mRNA Covid Vaccine Production
WATCH: The Gift of the Covid Event: A Revelation of the Illusion of Popular Sovereignty
WATCH: States of Emergency: Keeping the global population in check