Greetings dear readers,
As the New Year has kicked off, we want to wish you a very happy 2023. We hope that you will continue to journey with us to expose and hold accountable authorities that have, since 2020, been re-shaping and overhauling our societies.
A brief look at what PANDA has delivered so far
Hosted over 70 Open Science & Society Sessions - inviting multi-disciplinary insights, debate and sense-making, and pursuing deeper understanding across diverse fields that impact society
Published more than 100 expert articles in 2022 alone - broadening our understanding of what lies beneath the absurdities we are experiencing in our world
Launched the new PANDA Uncut Substack - beating censorship and facilitating robust conversations
Supported and initiated multiple initiatives - most recently the global Physicians Accountability, Deafening Silencing, and WHO Paradox campaigns, which aim to raise awareness and enable action.
A look ahead
PANDA’s primary focus for 2023 will be to deliver deeper insights and recommendations regarding the drivers of the global technocratic power grab. This work will benefit and support our network organisations, friendly media, journalists, influencers, the expanding list of approachable policymakers, and those taking legal action.
Our focus will include:
The corporatised pandemic preparedness agenda
The politics of narrative control, media manipulation and censorship
The centralisation of economic policies and financial control
Technologies of mass surveillance and digital identity
The cultural shifts and corresponding philosophical underpinnings of the technocratic mindset.
You’ll also be pleased to know we’ve been working hard on PANDA’s brand-new website, which aims to make our content more accessible and easier to navigate! We’ll let you know as soon as it goes live.
Stop Press!
We are currently developing two major new projects focusing on: the Pandemic Preparedness Agenda, and Disseminating Disinformation from Key Authorities. We aim through these projects to share fresh insights and challenge key actors and organisations involved in shaping Covid policies at a global level. We will soon be able to share more about these initiatives with you. Please stay tuned to find out how you can support these efforts.
Join us - We can’t do it without you
PANDA can only continue delivering through your generous donations. Join us today in speaking truth to power and standing against the globalist technocratic power grab.
With gratitude,
Science. Sense. Society.
Your cool voice of reason is appreciated more than you will know,. It's simply a fact that people are quick off the mark to criticise, but slow out of the blocks when it comes to compliments. In all things! Know that for every single 'like' there are hundreds who were too busy or lazy to actually .. you know .. hit the button.
Thankyou Panda for keeping us sane. Looking forward to the articles, interviews & sessions coming from Panda.