PANDA invites you to share our journey
We need your support as we deepen our inquiry into the technocratic power-grab and help it reach a broader audience
Dear supporters,
Join us in raising $6000 to support PANDA for the next 3 months
Have you found PANDA’s content and campaigns of value? Would you like to see us continue to bring you more unique insight into the global polycrises narratives that are driving the global technocratic coup?
Since 2020, PANDA has been examining and pushing back on the upheavals caused by the draconian Covid-19 interventions. Almost all of our efforts have been powered by hardworking and dedicated volunteers. Our mission in the coming months is to reinforce this work with deeper research whilst broadening our reach. But we need YOUR generosity to make this happen.
Highlights of 2023
Recently, we brought to you a series of articles arguing that Covid-19 was NOT a deadly pandemic and the upheaval of society through draconian lockdowns and mandates was based on manipulations and lies.
It is impossible that the vaccines saved 14 million lives in 2021
How many lives were actually saved by the Covid-19 vaccines?
Did side effects from the Covid shots cause any excess mortality?
Were the excess deaths in Italy caused by a novel deadly virus?
Furthermore, our research has also shown that Covid-19 was a structural deep-event motivated by a profound shift in power and wealth from people towards the globalist technocrats.
We have dug deeper into the philosophy and mindset of the globalist technocratic elite to better understand the drivers of such thinking.
And have crystallised the propaganda that is driving the broader shift towards centralised global control.
Throughout the year, we have also campaigned against the Public Health Industrial Complex power-grab, given voice to victims of censorship, and begun examining parallels with the other global scams, such as the catastrophization of Climate Change.
You can find more unique content on our new website and hear a broad range of presentations on our Rumble and Youtube channels.
Will YOU join us on this journey?
In the next quarter, we aim to deepen our inquiry into the globalist power-grab while expanding our reach to more independent journalists, influencers and policymakers with our multidisciplinary sense-making.
A donation towards our $6000 goal will enable us to continue to make sense of the narratives, actors and mechanisms while seeding more ambitious projects to demand accountability and support the much needed emerging parallel systems.
Please donate TODAY and help us plan the next 3 months.
You can also support us by sharing this request with others or join our fundraising efforts by contacting us at
Thank you in advance for all your support. We look forward to sharing this journey with you.
Yes. Go PANDA.
If I ever win the lotto you will be first on my list~ ;-)