WATCH: Quality Issues with mRNA Covid Vaccine Production
Open Science Session by Dr L. Maria Gutschi
"Based on manufacturing standards and lack of basic pharmacological info alone, the product should be recalled" ~ Dr Gutschi
Dr. Gutschi is a pharmacotherapeutic specialist with extensive experience in evidence-based medicine, critical care, antimicrobial therapy, and mentoring and teaching pharmaceutical care. She has been involved in pharmaceutical drug assessment and formulary management, and the preparation of educational materials and research reports for the Canadian Pharmacist Association and for regulatory agencies. She has been employed as a scientific officer for the Patented Medicines Prices Review Board in Canada, and as a clinical pharmacist for the Canadian Forces Health Service Centre, and as a pharmacy consultant for small hospitals to meet multiple accreditation standards.
PANDA’s weekly Open Science Sessions provide an opportunity for science, research and policy to be presented by various leading international experts in a variety of diverse fields. These sessions aim to broaden understanding and inspire new insights.
* Our apologies for the poor sound quality
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P.-H. Lambert, D. M. Ambrosino, S. R. Andersen et al., Consensus summary report for CEPI/BCMarch 12–13, 2020 meeting: Assessment of risk of disease enhancement with COVID-19 vaccines, Vaccine.
"Of course, disadvantages include the novel nature of both mRNA and DNA vaccines without any licensed vaccine with either technology to date and lack of experience for mass production."
Within 9 months of the above, the UK was rolling out industrially scaled up jabs population wide.
My bet is that everything was already quite well in place (CEPI).
Re. characterization of spike protein supposedly produced, around minute 14:00 of M. Gutschi on rumble: "How close is it to the Wuhan spike protein? ...They tried to look at the expression of the spike protein. It doesn't tell me how accurate it is, how close it is to the original. ... I don't know if anyone has actually seen the spike protein produced by the mRNA. It has not been sequenced... nor have we had a really good western blot regarding that spike protein production". So it hasn't been characterized as some claim, or it has but it's proprietary info. as manufacturer claims.