I have a rather cynical but nonetheless I believe psychologically comprehensive view on this topic, and would appreciate any and all reads/shares.


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‘Stakeholder’ has a great sound to the sheeple, but in practice the WEF and WHO wants us penned into crowded, ‘smart’ cities. They want us being forced into taking a continuous regimen of mRNA gene therapy, since they believe we are ‘hackable animals’, despite the fact that we have a very limited understanding of DNA. They get rich from “ green, stakeholder inclusive policies”, while the masses become peons, eating GMO frankenfoods, and the elite become lords.

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Those who insist on attaching an adjective to the word "Capitalism", as in "Crony Capitalism", "Financial Capitalism", "Disaster Capitalism", "Shock Capitalism", "Unregulated Capitalism", "Shareholder Capitalism" and now "Stakeholder Capitalism", betray their ignorance as to what capitalism is.

It is capitalism, pure and simple, and there can be no confusion. What we see is what it is.

Perhaps there was slightly more justification for this jive two decades ago. Today, there is no possibility of a debate. The End of Ideology has itself ended. Instead of bringing "stability" to the world, capitalism has brought depression and fragmentation. Instead of bringing democracy and prosperity to the world, it has wrecked local societies where they hung on by a fingernail. No extended criticism is needed because criticism itself - social, political, and economic - has become a criticism of capitalism.

It has been this way for a long time. In the 19th century, capitalism was that which ripped small holders from the land, chained children to machinery, and pushed entire populations, on threat of extinction, across the surface of the earth. In the first part of the 20th century, Capitalism was synonymous with War and Fascism. Imperialism? Colonialism? Famine? Genocide? All the faces of Capitalism...

They told you that Capitalism changed? They lied.

If you hang your hat on reforming Capitalism, believe that your "freedoms" depend on the continuation of Capitalism, or think that Capitalism is "still preferable to everything else", all it means is that your turn hasn't come yet...

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Hi Allen,

This isn't your first comment that I've found great. You speak from my heart. I took the liberty of adding your comment as an afterword to this article. I hope that's OK ? I could never have phrased it as precisely as you did. Thank you for that. Best wishes,




If you feel like writing an article, I would love to publish it on my Substack.

In my Substack you will find a link to my Telegram channel. Perhaps you would like to leave me a message this way?

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And it all rolls on - with the WHO WEF and Davos the banks and the chains that bind us. Not looking good with the UK and their new .Gov either we need to get rid of the lot of 'em. Shame about the ignorance of the peope who vote! All the people around us with health problems 'Iv'e got Covid' and off they go to be jabbed every few months. We just need not to be forced and to keep our bodily autonomy. Shame about the EU - living in France ain't easy!

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What a shame that the director of “Stakeholder Communism” knows nothing about the Chinese economy and, thus, vitiates his otherwise sincere effort.

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His wider point is that details matter far less than that there is an ongoing global coup d’etat, which is being used to digitally enslave humanity.

He doesn’t go near the endgame, either, which is more my wheelhouse as former big pharma research executive. The virus pandemic fraud we share, but he doesn’t focus on the intentionally harmful injections, masquerading as vaccines. I don’t blame him. It’s bad enough for “normies” as it is 😮

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Yes but these idiots know nothing about either capitalism or communism and just toss out dog whistle jargon to excite the audience who also know next to nothing about either.

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My very cynical take here.. would appreciate a read/share.


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