Good presentation!

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thank you Roman for this amazing set of charts. The entire world has been hoodwinked and bewitched by this craft.

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Thank you for this excellent slide presentation. I look forward to watching part 2. Thank you so much for your dedication to uncovering the truth.

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The latest attempt to make a supervirus....the evilness of these people is undeniable.

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Mark Twain said that it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

Never more true when speaking about vaccines.

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Question (anyone on this forum): whenever I experience a fluelike disease (respitory) the pattern is the same. It starts with very annoying filling up of the right hand side nasal area. Combined with lots of mucus, of which I will spare you the details. That subsides after a while, and I know that the same pattern develops on the left side. That subsides as well, leaving annoyingly clogged sinuses, which in worst case results in a sinus infection which is annoying and painful. It never reaches the lower airways (no coughing). IF (which sometimes happens) my wife subsequently gets infected (or the other way around) she develops a cough and hardly experiences any upper airway issues. So the same infection causses very different symptoms.

This makes me wonder what actually causes specific symptoms. Can a (respitory) virus (which is a very basic RNA string) determine how it impacts complex organisms like the human body? Or are the symptoms determined by the receiving organism (us), depending on previous infections, maybe even the shape of nasal sinuses and other specifics? I think this line of thought changes the narrative of scary (invisible!) pathogens waiting to wreak havoc.

Wonder if any studies have been done into determining how specific virus infections express themselves in individuals.

Just pondering.

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What a great presentation! Every person who cares about truth, health and freedom should watch this. It is just mind blowing how the system managed to establish the inverted narrative that vaccines saved humanity...and to think "educated" people like doctors promote this lie- is even more sad.

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Score another point Mr. Bystrianyk! My post-doc pharmacist relative just listened to this interview, and is impressed. I bet it gets passed on to at least one of her pharmacist friends. I tried to tell her about your book 10 years ago, but I guess it took several friends developing turbo cancer to get that seed to sprout!🌱 🔜🌲

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Oh and let me know how it goes!

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Wonderful! Spreading information as much as possible is the way things change.

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It was and is unlivable conditions that inevitably lead to disease and death, just like the European invaders/colonizers imposed on native populations, and the capitalist class imposed on workers in the late 19th century.

From a scientific standpoint, there was/is no need to hypothesize about invisible microbes when people are forced to “live” in squalor.

From the ruling class perspective germ theory was/is necessary in order to absolve themselves by falsely blaming an external/apolitical culprit. It has always been a business model. Germ Theory was never proven but found to be profitable, an excellent weapon of social control and increased political clout. Create illness and disease with vaccines for viruses that do not exist to create life long customers for the healthcare and pharma industries.

After those diseases declined as a result of class struggle for better working/living conditions, it was again necessary for the ruling class to rewrite history and take credit for the improvement and chalk it up to the miraculous powers of antibiotics and vaccines.

And as the Rockefeller medicine men/Pharmafia have “discovered” more “germ's” i.e. invented new diseases and the “treatments”/“cures” along with them, culminating in the current insane childhood schedule, this has had disastrous results for public health, reversing many of the gains made.

Of course this has been part of the wider class war and overall reversal of the gains made at any level by the working class throughout the 20th century, here and around the world, and the ongoing health catastrophe (dysgenics/depopulation campaign) which has multiple causes.

The point is that now, as in the past, the root cause of this and pretty much every major problem/crisis in the world is class society/warfare.

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Read the book a while ago and try to recommend it where ever and whenever i can. Was always critical towards vaccines, but the covid period made me really suspicious. This book confirmed my doubts and provides a great timeline around vaccine developments.

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Thank you for your meticulous, living-giving research work that the refutes the death-dealing Vaccine Industry.

Get free, stay free.

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The original book was great.Just bought the updated version

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