
WATCH: Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History - Part 2

Open Session by Roman Bystrianyk

Was smallpox a mild disease akin to chickenpox if it wasn’t for the horrible living conditions and insane medical treatments?

“I consider even the Natural Small-pox a mild disease, and only rendered malignant by mistakes in nursing, in diet, and in medicine, and by want of cleanliness… It would hardly be too bold to say, that the fatal treatment of this disease, for two centuries, by warming and confining the air of the Chamber, and by stimulating and heating cordials, was the cause of two-thirds of the mortality which ensued.”
― John Birch, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, 1814, The Gentleman's Magazine, July 1814, p. 24.

Roman Bystrianyk is the Co-author of Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History and Moving Back from Midnight: Working Together to Save Our Planet. He has been researching the history of diseases and vaccines since 1998. He has an extensive background in health and nutrition, as well as a B.S. in engineering and an M.S. in computer science.

Dissolving Illusions paints a historic portrait with quotes from the pages of long overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources to reveal a startling history that has been disregarded. With this historic information and originally researched data in the form of myth-shattering graphs, Dissolving Illusions shines new light onto issues that are assumed to be clear-cut and settled long ago.

Roman’s work can be found at https://dissolvingillusions.com

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