Yes. I’ve been saying this since 2020. Doctors were panicked. People were both over and under treated - inappropriate ventilation for some, inappropriate end of life pathway instead of best supportive care for others. We never used to test everyone for respiratory viruses so no idea how many deaths attributed to other causes had virus onboard. I do not think the medical profession will ever admit it, even to themselves.

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Watch out for consensus. The majority are not always right. It takes just one piece of contradictory evidence to put an end to a hypothesis.

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As for the biggest counterargument, South Dakota (no lockdowns ever) having high excess deaths in late 2020 (but not early 2020, and in 2021 even Delta had barely any teeth over there), even then the issues of iatrogenesis do not go away. And the lockdowns in other places may very well have put selective pressure on the virus to give rise to more contagious AND deadlier strains of the virus, hence places that got their first big wave of the virus later generally got it worse.

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Thanks Panda. Excellent post.

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Have you ever noticed ants running around trying to make sense of what is befuddling them?

For my part, is to accept what is wished for. It can and most probably has been devised to drive humanity bonkers trying to figure out. Divide that line and accept that our fellow being has no intention to be shown up for who they are. Sound familiar. Drag whatever one likes into the topic.

If it emanates from another reality/ dimension/existence, all God's assistance will be needed to assail and overcome this.

It can even be seen as a lesson in each and every one of us looking within and asking ourselves how to tell a traitor from within our midst. Logic has flown the coup. If we are not to accept what is force fed, and coercive warfare fails to produce it's desired results, then look to what we as a species face?

Yes, exactly. Insanity. Deep in our collective dark recesses of our subconsciousness's, exists a spark to ignite us hopefully, into an entirely different way into seeing this thing called "meaning of life".

A meaning to live rather than to be.

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

It's worse than you think. In 2008, twelve years before the pandemic, the case was settled. After viral infections of the respiratory tract, people die of bacterial pneumonia. This was true for the Spanish Influenza, Asian flu and the Hong Kong Flu.

A million dollar quote

"The majority of deaths in the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic likely resulted directly from secondary bacterial pneumonia caused by common upper respiratory–tract bacteria. Less substantial data from the subsequent 1957 and 1968 pandemics are consistent with these findings. If severe pandemic influenza is largely a problem of viral-bacterial copathogenesis, pandemic planning needs to go beyond addressing the viral cause alone (e.g., influenza vaccines and antiviral drugs). Prevention, diagnosis, prophylaxis, and treatment of secondary bacterial pneumonia, as well as stockpiling of antibiotics and bacterial vaccines, should also be high priorities for pandemic planning."

Check, who was the major author of this paper


In 2020, they went for the (useless) vaccine as well as useless testing and forbid curing the infection with antibiotics.

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Indeed. Shout it from the rooftops! For the secondary bacterial pneumonia, all that was typically needed were #3tablets of azithromycin or doxycycline. And for the virus itself, just three nutrients (Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc in sufficient quantities) would have prevented most serious cases. Really.

Three nutrients. Three tablets. Three lost years that we will never get back. And millions of excess deaths worldwide. How will they ever live this down?


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You are correct. I may add that it is easy to prevent infections by respiratory viruses doing daily sinus rinses before bedtime. We use NeilMed kits and warm water with a baby bottle warmer. My wife never had a cold sinse 2016 and I since 2020. No chance that hospitals would get a chance to kill us with toxic remdesivir or vaccine.

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"Shouting fire in a crowded theater" combined with intent/democide.

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I wonder if the normally sound Will Jones has fallen under the baleful influence of Daily Sceptic proprietor Toby Young who has long refused to recognise Covid realities. Look at Young’s recent piece on the Telegraph’s Lockdown Files, taking the unbelievable stance that the government’s Covid response (and by implication every other government in lockstep all round the world) was “just a series of cock-ups”: https://dailysceptic.org/2023/02/28/the-lockdown-files/.

Maybe it’s because of Ofcom, especially after seeing how Mark Steyn was ousted from GB News for refusing to kowtow to the false “safe and effective” Covid vaccine narrative.

They should both take a look at Reiner Fuellmich’s extensively-evidenced Crimes Against Humanity model trial, including the evidence of people like John O’Looney, Stuart Wilkie, Brian Artis and many others, all referenced via my recent piece which also links the Covid abuses they inflicted on us to the now-accelerating climate change abuses: https://metatron.substack.com/p/we-are-being-horribly-abused-by-lies.

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An obvious case of "Shouting fire in a crowded theater" combined with intent/democide. There was no cock-up, but to know and realize that, one needs to understand how our societies function.

[1] The trap of compartmentalization of knowledge and competence.



[2] What we are dealing with is the greatest betrayal of trust that has ever happened in human history. Short overview of what happened, how it happened, and possible directions where things might progress into.


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Spot on, helped along by “convergence of opportunism” among multiple abusers, to borrow Mike Yeadon’s phrase.

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I agree with Annie. It is so hard for us non-scientists to grasp all the complexities. All we can do is try to read as much as possible from sources we do our best to assess as reliable. PANDA has been one of my main sources (the Daily Sceptic another) and I am extremely grateful for their work and commitment.

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Very grateful for this thoroughly researched information asking critical questions fairly

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I’m waiting to hear them rightfully attribute the young fit healthy folks (and many others) dying suddenly, to the clot shots.

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Might be 15 reasons, most of them planned.

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