Did they conclude that the benefits outweighed the risks?

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Hi Steve, no, quite the contrary. NB: The inquiry is still ongoing and will be active into 2025 with no end date known. The health and social care hearings have concluded with some stunning revelations ignored by the prominent medical freedom community advocates like yourself and many others that could make a massive difference.. The Scottish population don't even know this inquiry is happening nor what has been said such has been the media avoidance post 2024.


The ICHS care home managers (who employ almost 14,000 staff across 166 care homes)

did not appear for oral testimony at closing statements for reasons unexplained yet they had prior spoken of many shocking events like 90% of care home residents being placed on ''just in case'' medication by GPs regardless of symptoms. Understandably the care homes want the police investigation into these deaths shutt down asap!


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"Public Health Scotland (PHS) described these hearings as an 'opportunity to hear evidence from people across Scotland about the impact the pandemic had, and continues to have, on their lives.'"

PHS is still missing the point. The "pandemic" had zero impact on anyone's life because there was no pandemic. The *response* to the fake pandemic was devastating. There's plenty of blame to go around, too, including for the people who tamely complied with obvious insanity. Until the same people who caused and contributed to the damage admit that they, not a fake germ, were responsible, there will be no real accountability and definitely no justice. And it will all happen again.

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Great comment. Couldn't agree more. A lockdown panic-demic. I hope you are wrong about accountability.

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I refer to "it" as The Pandemonium.

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Many thanks to PANDA for being one of the few outlets in the world to realise the significance of what has been said at the Scottish COVID-19 inquiry!! I've been stonewalled by just about every 'alternative' media outlet and 'medical freedom' community advocate for the best part of 8 months over this. Recently banned from X/Twitter with only 400 posts in 6 months 90+% solely on Scottish COVID inquiry.

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Your work in bringing these injustices to the public eye is so valuable and necessary. Keep going. Don't give up.

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Although badly needed, there will never be an enquiry of that nature in Canada. Trudeau and some members of his Marxist cabinet and provincial Health Authorities bend the knee to the WEF, WHO, Big Pharma and other miscreants and are still pushing the Covid spike. There is almost no relief from the courts because they are left leaning too. Most of the doctors were/are on board with the government and those who did draw attention to the vaccine harm they noticed in their patients, lost their positions and hospital privileges, and are still being persecuted and prosecuted by their Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, the Health Authorities and some police.

The harm done to Canadians by the vaccine and to those of us who refused, is irreparable imo, and we are now a divided people due to the inhumane mandates.

The only expose of the truth, that seems to be ignored, but a vital read is, “FISMAN’S FRAUD: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science” by R.N. Watteel , PhD Statistics.

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The National Citizens Inquiry is doing the work without government involvement. It's not getting mainstream coverage, of course, but us ongoing.

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Thanks - but it won’t help much if the enquiry is not made available to us somehow. I don’t read Trudeau media .

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Canada's National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) is ongoing and videos and transcripts are available to you, as well as anyone around the world.

"The next set of NCI hearings are now set for Edmonton, Alberta on March 6, 7 & 8, 2025."


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Unfortunately it's not gov official. But the entire MO of 'COVID' has been unveiled in Scotland.

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“Marxist cabinet”. LOL

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The lessons learned by the psychopaths in politics were people fell in line pretty easily and obeyed illogical rules, don’t think they won’t try it again, hopefully next time the masses will tell them they have no power over them and hunt these criminals down.

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The people have proven their willingness to commit collective, unthinking mass suicide. While many more will resist next time, I believe the MSM hold on the populace is still very significant and that it can easily happen again. We’ve already seen with Starmer that he’s willing to be ruthless, and doesn’t give a shit what we think, and that a few arrests and unjust jail sentences have cowed - for the time being at least - millions of angry citizens. The same will happen in another lockdown- we’ll back down rather than go to jail and they know it. Long term perhaps there’s some hope, short term I see little of it.

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I reluctantly agree with your point, although I remain positive the time the NWO zealots try to manipulate us the majority’s response will not be so forthcoming. 95% of people I speak to agree the COVEY lockdown was the biggest scam ever created by the ruling class.

That gives me hope.

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This was clearly a nearly world wide orchestrated attack on human health. Both the creation/release of COVID 19 and the measures supposedly to reduce the ill effects, including the vaccine.

History will see this, I t, as the greatest attack on humanity since the great flood.

Damage to the immune systems of millions of people as well as the more direct damage which hardly needs listing.

Many have wondered how much suffering will have to be endured before the majority of people wake up to what has been going on in this world.

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the criminals don't want this examined, reminded or made culpable. They just want to pretend it never happened, that they weren't complicit or misled, that they weren't part of it, and that they should just continue in their roles and positions because they should. And maybe, carry on being good little soldiers of the WEF, WHO and the criminal UN to carry on reaping their rewards.

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