HART is a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts, reporting on various aspects on public health, especially in relation to the covid response.
The Bolus Theory Series investigates the Covid crisis and the harm caused by vaccination to extract the lessons in terms of personal medical care and public health.
A former NHS Head of Department (Clinical Audit) and applied statistician who specialised in assessment of clinical outcomes at a major UK teaching hospital explores the story of human health as seen through numbers.
Politics, Trump's war, his battle for USA, the good bad & ugly; fake COVID-19: natural immunity; innate immunity; vaccines; no vaccines for children; early treatment; lockdowns; taking back freedoms liberties
Dead people don't lie. Governments always do. Empirical analysis of mortality and climate data (mainly) to demonstrate the truth about COVID, vaccinations and other public health interventions, and climate crisis lies.