Just happened upon this essay (missed it when it first came out), but it is excellent work.

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Thank you

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Do you have weekly ACM rates for Bergamo, by chance?

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Oh, boy! Very interesting. Thank you.

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COVID-19 does not exist.

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Before the treatment being accepted there must've been a cause of sickness, one thing in common is food.

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Rick Larson they had cases of meningitis in that exact area near the the end of 2019, they rolled out the vaxxes right in the middle of it and made it worse, so had an even larger outbreak.

Whatever went on in that area was confined to it as the meningitis infection did not spread across the country. Has to make you wonder if Billy goats had his hand in another special brew being tried out on a smaller group.

This is not an isolated incident, go look up Samoa and the outbreaks and deaths caused to children after unicef dropped vaxxes off.

Cases went through the roof, they put those who refused to jab their kids into lockdown, again the autumn of 2019.

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I will be quite busy for about 10 days. If you want, we may meet on Skype and record our conversation.

The virus was first identified in China, so it is a time-honored custom to call it Wuhan virus.

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I am happy that one of my contacts pointed me to your analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Northern Italy. I love your arguments and methods.

I was not involved in the CDC investigation of the SARS outbreak in 2002-2004. Still, I attended all seminars and discussions that followed. SARS was a nasty virus, but old-school epidemiology stopped the outbreak. There was no molecular testing. Instead, the CDC’s Division of Quarantine screened passengers arriving from countries known to have active infections by temperature scans at ports of entry. Canada, where Infectious Diseases Wards at hospitals were liquidated a long time ago, required a visit by a team from the CDC to stop the spreading of the virus and stop the deaths.

In February 2020, just like the Japanese professor of infectious Kentaro Iwata, I believed that passengers and crew quarantined off Yokohama would die. Instead, however, only eight elderly passengers died during a month of stressful quarantine that, according to Kentaro Iwata, was a sham. It’s important to note there were 3711 passengers and crew aboard, which was more crowded than the people living in Hong Kong. Not even one crew member got sick.

It became clear that this virus should not be called SARS, as it doesn’t cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome but rather a common cold. Furthermore, as so many people had no symptoms despite being PCR-positive for the virus, I concluded that most people were immune to this virus due to the cross-reactivity of neutralizing antibodies to other human coronaviruses. Alternatively, this virus could be widely distributed worldwide, especially in countries of origin of the passengers and the crew.

Wikipedia claims that Dr. Kentaro Iwata removed his videos from YouTube for some reason. Like in many other cases, Wikipedia editors lie. Just search YouTube, and you will find several of his videos.

When the media repeatedly showed the picture of army trucks carrying coffins and a church full of coffins, I wondered what happened in Bergamo. I asked:

1. Why Bergamo and not Milan or Venice, or for that matter, Pernambuco or Moscow?

2. Why did simultaneous outbreaks not start in other places that could be traced to travelers from china or Bergamo?

3. Why did no one call a CDC epidemiology team to help with the situation in Bergamo?

4. Why the fuss with the media claiming that Asians are persecuted, and thus the virus cannot be called Wuhan Virus, as it should?

5. Why, suddenly, all over the world, was PCR used to diagnose the virus in nasal swabs? You may not know this, but PCR is not a gold standard of diagnosis. Moreover, excellent studies by the CDC (the EPIC project published in 2015) showed that no etiology could be detected in 62% of hospitalized pneumonia cases.

6. 6. How come all respiratory infection cases were suddenly attributed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

7. These CDC studies make it clear that a positive PCR result from swabs of the nasal passages or the nasopharynx doesn’t indicate an active infection.

I have many more questions, but I would like to know what you think about my points.

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Thanks for the kind words. Have you seen the similar analysis on NYC by Jessica Hockett (https://woodhouse.substack.com/p/all-posts-related-to-new-york-citys), also my other piece on Lombardy (https://pandauncut.substack.com/p/the-lombardy-analysis)?

The above are all excellent questions, though not sure I agree with your suggestion that this should be called the Wuhan virus (point 4) given that my core thesis does not support a novel new virus emerging in Wuhan.

I am deeply suspicious of the specificity of PCR - and even serology - testing, as well as the way in which "the sequence" was identified so rapidly and conclusively.

Have you seen this?


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"These observations surely raise questions which need answering around the causes of the high rates of excess deaths in the Lombardy region in spring 2020"

Quite, I think this is the intention, conspiracy is born from unanswered questions.

There are countless conspiracy theories concerning Convid, and likewise since there are so many theories purporting to explain anomalies surrounding this event -- the net "real world" effect of all these theories is zero.

Compounding this net zero effect on society are all the thousands of related and completely unrelated conspiracy theories which, in the main, contradict, complicate and generally overwhelm any logical attempt to change the world views of society to any significant degree. The vast soup of rumor, mystery and innuendo renders the most evil of ideas to the realm of harmless pastime.

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Agree, and we have to accept that it was probably always thus. The difference now (I believe) is the globalized nature of things, the concentration of power in a minuscule number of entities, and the internet which gives these entities massive power of narrative propagation and suppression.

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That there NEVER was a so-called "virus" and that people were put into a deliberate fear and panic by paid media lie propaganda and an absolutely unscientific and idiotic test and stigmatized with a "disease" that NEVER existed, murdered by hospital protocols such as experimental drugs, aggressive ventilation, etc., wouldn't occur to you and the others in a dream, would it??! It is much easier to be dragged along in the bath of lies than to deal with reality even once!!!!!! A disgrace, which one can describe with words simply no more!!!

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Caution needs to be used when calculating and analyzing Excess Mortality. For example, see the peer-reviewed journal article 'Estimates of excess mortality for the five Nordic countries during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020−2021' posted at the International Journal of Epidemiology, https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyac204 . The authors conclude, 'We document substantial heterogeneity and uncertainty in estimates of excess mortality. All estimates should be taken with caution in their interpretation as they miss detailed account of demographics, such as changes in the age group populations over the study period.'

No need to invoke 5G transmission boxes, aircraft contrails, interspecies transmission of Bigfoot-derived viruses, space alien germ warfare, etc., etc., And when invoking the presence of the covid-19 virus in Italy prior to 2020: how was the presence documented ? Lots n' lots of questionable RT-PCR data out there from Italian PIs who were looking for highly cited pubs to sex up their CVs, not accuracy and reproducibility.

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That's a very good article.

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"Caution needs to be used when calculating and analyzing Excess Mortality"

I agree that that is true when we are looking at chronically increased death rate, such as (for example) what we are seeing now.

The current picture is complicated by all sorts of things which have acted over several years: lockdowns, healthcare disruptions, injections of novel substances and so on.

But the point about my analysis here, and I know the same has been done in NYC, is that the excess death curves are suddenly so extreme (and not complicated by prior events) there is no question that they are "real", nothwithstanding the fact that many were deaths "brought forward"

I mean death rates of 8 - 10 times normal concentrated into a few weeks are just off the scale. Totally unprecedented, and also inexplicable by the spread of a virus.

See here re NYC:


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I vaguely recall the local Wuhan hospital getting far far higher traffic than normal in August 2019.

This , in itself, would imply, that the virus was out in Wuhan earlier than the official narrative gives credit for.

August 2019 would also result in a suitable window for Covid to spread global long before it was officially recognised such that it was found in sewage samples in Spain in October 2019 for example.

I myself came down with the worst illness I have ever experienced in December 2019.

All the symptoms later identified as Covid - felt at deaths door. 4 days before I could eat anything, a week before I could get out of bed, three weeks before I was back to normal.

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It's a fascinating theory. To be slightly picky about one thing, you wrote this: "former UK Health Minister, Jeremy Hunt, was vexed by the fact that the (comparatively milder) NHS staffing deficiencies at the weekend measurably increased the risks to patients unfortunate enough to not fall ill during the working week" ... I think this might be due to people not discharged on a friday (as hospitals try to do) being considered too ill to return home, and so a weekend spike (no pun intended) in bad outcomes might be expected rather than it being related to fewer staff.

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Thanks. So are you saying that these bad outcomes are happening in hospital whereas they would have happened somewhere else otherwise, or are you saying that they are "extra" bad outcomes as they are people who aren't receiving as good care at the weekend because there aren't as many staff around?

If the former, then are you saying Hunt had misunderstood and there wasn't actually a need for extra weekend staff as there wasn't actually a real problem at all just a shift in the locationm at which unavoidable things were happening?

If the latter, don't they just need more staff at the weekend to deal with that, so isn't that basically supportive in what I am saying - that "disruption" in caring for people can result in bad outcomes?

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Thanks Jonathan. I was thinking more your first suggestion, that those people may well have died anyway either in hospital or at home because they would be the most ill people which is why they were kept in over the weekend rather than released on a friday - then again of course we know they try to send people home on a friday because they have fewer hospital staff over the weekend so it's a double edged sword I suppose. Ps. I wasn't saying Hunt misunderstood but in fact I wouldn't be surprised :-) No, I'm not a fan of the ex Health Minister now Chancellor!

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Would be good to know the degree to which being a neighbouring town is correlated with membership in the same administrative municipality. Offhand, one would expect significant overlapping, wouldn't one?

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Many of us knew that there was an artificially created pandemic... Even Wuhan was pumped up to create the fear of deadliness.

2020 total deaths in most nations show close numbers to past years... Even with the ventilators and horrible medicines like remdesevir and midalozam which all increase mortality risk...

Average age of convid death was at or above life expectancy, and with multiple comorbidities...

But PANDA and others, like McCullough etc, still talk like there was a new "deadly virus".

Put the data together and wake the heck up, there was no new disease, it was pumped up by playing with stats, like "died with"... It was also

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I agree that there are huge swathes of folks "on our side" who still think a novel deadly virus spread from Wuhan and that virus was responsible for directly claiming lots of lives.

Within Panda we actually have a range of views and (consistent with what was hitherto normal scientific enquiry) we are openly debating the whole piece around "origin", hence, in fact, this article.

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The problem with the forest-fire analogy is that trees don't have legs, or cars, and they don't travel vast distances across the globe in a matter of hours the way humans do. Heck; wildfires don't even travel as fast as the current wind speed.

It is still conceivable to me that spread of a highly infectious respiratory virus which selects for particularly vulnerable individuals and leaves the rest of us with asymptomatic infections/exposures, explains the entirety of COVID's local, regional, national, and global spread.

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I would add to the equation the rollout of 5G. Please follow Dr. Tom Cowan's work. Virus's are not what they say they are either.

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