One has to prove the existence of a viral pathogen using the scientific method. Until this is done, viruses that cause disease do not exist.

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I am so tired of this no-virus nonsense.... I recognise that the shock of suddenly realising that our governments have weaponised scientific technologies against us has thrown people off-balance, but the mere fact that these technologies can be weaponised shows that underlying scientific principles work. This mass retreat from rationality is a shock reaction. If viruses do not exist, what about the cost of plant viruses annually to the agricultural industry?

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how many logical fallacies can you fit in a paragraph... I think you have just won a medal.

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I understand that covid was a long-planned global military operation, that there was quite probably no covid virus, the entire scheme was one vast manipulation to introduce a totalitarian system.....we are very close to losing our freedoms...and you want to distract us with your pointless microbiology quibbles and misunderstandings?

No-virus is very probably a CIA disinformation and confusion tactic.

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And the evidence for any of your dribble is?

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the person (YOU) be detained in a hospital or other suitable establishment;

The appalling totalitarian proposal for N.Ireland masquerading as a public health bill.



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Nonsense scaremongering state propaganda.

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The problem is Jamie, that when they come to remove you from your property and intern you on the basis that you are "contaminated" or "infected" claiming that there is no virus will not provide you with any legal argument, but just make it more likely that you need to be locked up - for the good of society - as an irresponsible person.

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I watched the first part of the video and then stopped because of misrepresenting the events described about the German court decision and the Lanka claims. Lanka is clearly bonkers. He thinks measles is a psychosomatic condition with a skin rash. I worked as a UK ICU doctor all my working life, including several years of paediatric ICU. I can remember at least 2 children who died of measles pneumonia. I cannot remember that psychosomatic conditions were a cause of death. The German court ruling did not state that measles virus did not exist, but only that Lanka had offered a prize and was entitled therefor to make the rules and decide if the prize was to be awarded. The conditions to win the prize were not possible to satisfy, That is not proof that viruses do not exist.

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Nobody said the court concluded Measles didn't exist…. that is a lie..

They concluded no single scientific document showed evidence of the measles virus existence.


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Your statement

"Nobody said the court concluded Measles didn't exist…. that is a lie.. "

My statement

"the court ruling did not state that measles did not exist .."

Where is the lie?? You have either misread what I wrote or decided to plunge in with both feet and eyes shut in a sliding tackle that should earn a red card.

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You clearly implied I did... Try reading the official court transcripts in the article I posted and show me how I have "misrepresented" them or keep your lies to yourself.

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I became somewhat cynical when I heard at the beginning (9.20) you describing all the contagion studies that you had found, including those concerning the plague, "AND THAT THESE WERE ALL PEER REVIEWED" Peer reviewed, in the medieval period!!!! Don't be ridiculous. I do not know what study you claim to have found of failure of contagion with HIV, but I bet you would not be willing to have anal intercourse with an HIV infected person. Moreover, not like Lanka, I would be willing to pay up on this bet.

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HIV does not, and can not, cause AIDS. A thorough examination of the literature will inform you of this fact. The main driver of AIDS is recreational drug use/abuse.

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Do keep your lies, thinly veiled threats and crude bets to yourself you utter vermin.

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"You utter vermin" Is this a scientific term from the new science paradigm you promote? You will need to be a bit less touchy if you want to spread the message. It is just a joke to think that the general public can adequately judge scientific studies. Can Kevin from Facebook assess if non-linear regression, for example, is an appropriate statistical technique for a particular study? No. You will be able to spread your results on Tiktok but maybe that is all you are aiming for, to bamboozle the public with fake science like the other side.

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This is exactly what we need to have happen. I hope these guys have their wits about them. This is a dangerous situation.


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Thanks for your support.

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In the full video https://rumble.com/v5fjzrx-the-virology-control-studies-project-jamie-andrews.html at 59:10 you say that the court said that a genetic sequence is no evidence for a virus. Here you have it from he horse´s mouth as the German CDC, RKI also says this in the leaked RKI files.

Which is an indirect statement for that they did not have evidence that SARS-COV2 existed.


From Telegram https://t.me/NextLevelOriginal/551 translated from German to English:


🚨RKI-Files: Genetic sequences are not evidence of a virus


In the RKI Crisis Staff Protocol of 22.02.2021 (https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/C/COVID-19-Pandemie/COVID-19-Krisenstabsprotokolle_Download.pdf?__blob=publicationFile ) it is noted that genetic sequences are not evidence of a pathogen:


BMG (Federal Ministry of Health) believes that sequencing results are not a pathogen detection by definition


⚠️Why is this important?

The authoritative study on the assertion of the existence of SARS-CoV-2, "A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2008-3 )", by Fan Wu et al. in the scientific journal Nature, was used worldwide as a template for further sequencing, "variants", tests and vaccines, and was based exclusively on genome sequencing.


💥Because according to RKI-Files (https://t.me/NextLevelOriginal/549 ) a "virus breeding" was strictly speaking not possible, and a sequencing is by definition not a proof, so - quite officially - there is a refutation for the claim of the existence of the "SARS-Cov-2 virus".

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These criminals MUST be brought to justice and hanged for heinous crimes against humanity, all the killings and the illnesses they caused. Bring on the Guillotine!

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They won’t be held accountable because they’re not the guilty ones. People refuse to understand this. If they were on TV, they’re not the ones in control.

The culprits are the DoD, CIA, MI6, Mossad and multiple others. This is why the DoD ‘took control’ of America’s ‘pandemic response’. COVID was a military operation

‘Proving’ viruses don’t exist is cool but ultimately not that important.

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This is what you get when a geologist tries to understand biology. By the way, I am against the official narrative of the Wuhan virus pandemic. Check my interviews with Panda's Nick Hudson.

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He literally assigned a microbiologist to do the experiments and assist with the interpretation...

Be that as it may calling on credentials is the weakest form of debate possible.

Your silence would save you a lot of embarrassment.

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How about making a rebuttal of the science conducted by 30yr accredited Biologists rather than vague logically fallacious aspersions. I think I'll give your interview a miss. Cheers.

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When someone claims that the Earth is flat, it is impossible to write a rebuttal.

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Norman, as I mentioned previously on this thread, one has to prove the existence of a viral pathogen using the scientific method. Until this is done, viruses that cause disease do not exist.

Your fallacious appeal to authority only exposes your lack of critical thinking...rather disappointing from a fellow scientist.

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Where have I claimed the earth is flat you moron?

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Jamie has set out to do what no one else has done before. Stefan Lanka came close with his control experiment but Jamie takes it more than a few steps further.

It's great that you gave his work airtime.

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It was admitted from the beginning that the so-called ‘SARS-CoV-2 virus’ wasn’t a serious threat to most people.

According to the spiel, in the main, only elderly or vulnerable people were at risk with the respiratory symptoms purportedly initiated by the ‘SARS-CoV-2 virus’, a group of common respiratory symptoms called ‘COVID-19’.

How was it decided to implement a ‘vaccine solution’ against the ‘SARS-CoV-2 virus’, ‘a virus’ that doesn’t result in serious disease for most people?

And how could the resulting vaccine products, which apparently ‘don’t prevent infection nor transmission with the virus’, be foisted upon mass populations, and even mandated in countries such as Australia? For many people in Australia it was ‘No Jab, No Job’ to ‘No Jab, No Life’.

How could this happen?!?!

How was the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 ‘vaccine solution’ evaluated in the beginning? What was the official process? Are minutes of the meetings publicly accessible?

I followed this pretty closely back in 2020, and it seems to me people such as Andrew Pollard, Chief Investigator on the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine trials, and Chair of the UK Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, and John Edmunds, an epidemiologist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, were instrumental in getting things off the ground, see for example: How the Oxford-AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine was made, The BMJ: https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/372/bmj.n86.full.pdf

Both these guys were given knighthoods for their efforts, the archaic ‘Sir’, to add to ‘Professor’… Along with many others involved in this scandal.

It seems Bill Gates (who already has an honorary knighthood), lead the ‘race for a coronavirus vaccine’. Seriously! An American software billionaire has been dominating global vaccination policy for years, via Gavi, the WHO, CEPI etc! How the hell does that happen?! See for example GatesNotes from 30 April 2020: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine: https://www.gatesnotes.com/What-you-need-to-know-about-the-COVID-19-vaccine

In March 2020, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-funded Neil Ferguson and his mates come up with the report - Imperial College Report 9 - which recommended ‘suppression of the virus’ “until a vaccine becomes available”. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/mrc-global-infectious-disease-analysis/disease-areas/covid-19/report-9-impact-of-npis-on-covid-19/

In other words, shut the world down and drive people crazy until they submit to vaccination on demand. Report 9 didn’t disclose that Ferguson is funded by arguably the world’s biggest promoter of vaccine products, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/971151/Covid-19_SAGE_register_of_participants__interests.pdf

So much of the ‘Covid response’ can be sheeted home to the UK and its cronies in the Five Eyes - has this been in the planning for years?

The ‘Covid response’ that has exploited the world’s people, stealing their money and their freedom, putting them into debt, and setting them up to be enslaved.

The general public still has little or no clue about the treachery of ‘their’ governments - including so-called ‘opposition’ parties, the medical/scientific establishment, the mainstream media, the legal system. They have been sold right down the river by a system conscripted to work against their best interests.

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Much needed. We can never again let politicians weaponize "science" for their absurd totalitarian goals.

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