Thanks Panda. Great post.

Not one iota of evidence or proof of. As to how the "virus" sprang into being in do many places within days of all of the other places where it emerged.

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Very satisfying to see a clear and well-reasoned assessment of the "novel" marketing buzzword. I've waited a long time for that in particular. The announcement of nCoV-2019 was a red flag for me, having watched the dreadful 2017 Skripal saga, in which members of British government, science, intelligence and media collaborated in promoting the ficticious account of a Russian bioweapon attack using a "novel" agent they named Novichok.

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Well reasoned out, as is usual for you guys.


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I have two corrections to share. Your post is excellent, nonetheless. Congratulations!!!!!

First, you assume that the name of the "novel" virus should be SARS-CoV-2. However, authors of the paper describing this virus (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32015508/ A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China. Fan Wu et al. Nature. 2020 Mar;579(7798):265-269 (E-published Feb 3, 2020) called it "WH-Hu-1" (WH – from Wuhan, Hu - from Human). Moreover, the GenBank entry of the complete genome preserves the original name (MN908947.3 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome). Correct me if I'm wrong, but the SARS-CoV-2 was probably concocted in some nice and very expensive restaurant in Geneva where BigPharma gives marching orders to the WKO. Over a bottle of Château Pétrus (Pomerol, Bordeaux) and a rare Chateaubriand, the name of the virus was changed from WH-Hu-1 to SARS-CoV-2 ostensibly to remove any connection to Wuhan to confuse racist white males and sow fear by recalling the name of the killer virus almost 20 years earlier.

Second, you badmouth Victor Corman and Christian Drosten's paper describing the primers for detecting the Wuhan virus. Still, the original article by Fan Wu et al. quoted above describes all PCR and RT-qPCR primers needed for detection. By the way, the first commercial kits for detecting the Wuhan Virus were approved by the FDA (EUA only) in March 2020, making the tirade against Drs. Corman and Drosten moot.

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Newly-detected and newly-named is not "new".

"New" is also not "new risk" or "risk-additive to the sea of respiratory pathogens".

The first commercial tests FDA EUA'd approved in March, but the CDC's "original" test received EUA in early February 2020 (the test with "issues" that aren't wholly clear to this day).

FYI, the CDC sent 30K+ of its February 2020 tests to countries all over the world.

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A couple of things.

Antibodies are not a correlate for protection and they don't prove infection with a particular virus because there's a lot of cross reactivity. Nevertheless, it is interesting that some of the positive antidody tests in that Italian study date back to October 2018. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9404229/

Then there is the infamous Barcelona wastewater sample from March 2019 which was definitely positive, although only on one test, but a highly specific one: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.13.20129627v1 Moreover, that sample is only mentioned in the preprint but completely omitted in a later version: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33483313/ Why? Nothing to see here, or what? Just asking.

Although none of this is proof, it is tempting to speculate that either "The Virus" or a very similar one may have already been circulating in winter 2018/19.

Then there was that strange Greenspring respiratory outbreak in June/July 2019 which was never really explained other that essentially "nothing to see here", but by pure coincidence, the biolab at Fort Detrick which was shut down in August 2019 is only approx 80 miles away. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would now say that the Wuhan lab leak story is a psyop to distract from the true origin of The Virus, but I'm not, so I won't.

Finally, Dr. Mike Yeadon elaborated in one of his interviews that severe respiratory pandemics are not possible because they are always self limiting. While I don't agree with everything Dr. Yeadon says, I think he has a valid point here. Just looking back 130 years, humanity survived what was possibly also a coronavirus "pandemic" in 1890/92. The "Spanish flu" was particularly bad, but for other reasons (war / bacterial pneumonia). The "pandemics" of 1957 and 1968 were essentially bad flu seasons, and the swine flu "pandemic" of 2009 was a psyop. So, if something like a world ending pandemic was possible, it would have already happened at some point in history.

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Yep. Apparently, these are not the droids we are looking for. "There is no need to re-investigate the outbreak", they said. Meanwhile they have scrubbed the page but the internet archive still has a copy: https://web.archive.org/web/20201015000000*/https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/covid19/rumor-control

Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/8GK84Ft

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There’s no need, because there’s no need to let the public know if SARS-CoV-2 was circulating much earlier than advertised, but with no real impact on excess mortality. They can’t have it their cake and eat it so. So much easier to uphold the “novel and deadly pathogen” claims with “bio weapon leaked from Wuhan lab.” That way, they don’t have to address the really tough questions or (better yet) admit that they killed people from March 2020 onward.

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1. The wastewater (or sewer) reports are studies in the trials and tribulations of folks attempting to learn how to do PCR. To expect that RNA of an enveloped virus would survive in wastewater is a fantasy.

2. Mike Yeadon was correct elaborating that severe respiratory pandemics are always self-limiting. This is because a virus that jumped to humans will attenuate in each passage. All big flu pandemics (Spanish, Asian, and Hong Kong) were deadly only because the virus was followed by a deadly bacterial pneumonia infections, see https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18710327/

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The computer model "virus" never isolated nor proven to exist?

Hey, maybe next you can tell me about these Flying Blue Unicorns in my backyard, eating my turnips. Are Blue Flying Unicorns novel or dangerous?

(I can't send you a photo of one, bc i haven't really seen one... But i KNOW they're there! Why else would my turnips be missing? SOMETHING is eating my turnips!!)

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Are they Unicorns like this one? ;) https://polska-org.pl/8993131,foto.html

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"Already by January 2020 about half the world’s population was immune to this virus. Nor was Covid outside the parameters of known treatments available for respiratory diseases. These facts should have been front and center in the media, and should have had a strong influence on government policies" .... interestingly Governments mostly did state openly that the virus wasn't particularly dangerous (to most), even Fauci said something similar, but suddenly and in perfect lockstep they all changed their tune, from "dont worry everything will be fine", to "run for hills we're all going to die". As far as I know exactly why the sudden volte face occurred has never been explained

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Well, not to excuse any of those buffoons, but in the early days of the psyop it was mostly the media which was fueling the mass formation and as a result, people where literally like "Lock us down! Lock us down! Why isn't the government doing something? Do something!" So, cowardly as most politicians/officials are, no one had the guts to stand up against this hysteria, and the worst thing any politician can do is "do nothing", so they just did "something". Then they got drunk on power and the rest in history. Of course there any many other possible explanations, but that's one of the not-so-conspiracy-theoretical ones.

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Were they ordinary people saying this? Or only influencers paid by bigfarma for propaganda ?

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I haven't heard anyone say these exact words, but here in Europe, mid-March 2020 was really the apocalypse. I'm not exaggerating. First, the most hysterical panic buying you could possible imagine, grocery stores were running out of literally everything, then the next day, the streets were totally empty as if the rapture had just happened. And that was BEFORE lockdown was declared. I thought people were afraid of the looming shutdowns. But no. It took me a few days to figure out that virtually everyone was genuinely terrified of The Virus.

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in Poland there were a police patrol cars on the streets shouting from megaphones "we have epidemic", older people could have remembered https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martial_law_in_Poland and that's why they were terrified

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Who or what was the biggest influence on what healthcare workers were thinking?

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Hard to pick one in particular but:

Fear (again, induced by the media),


Appeal to authority, Groupthink, Mass Formation (which are essentially different flavors of the same thing)

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As you rightly said "it could be argued that the reason Covid deaths were this low is because government mandated lockdowns and other non-pharmaceutical interventions prevented a Covid catastrophe", and that is exactly the problem. After you do something, whether its a lockdown or have a vaccination, it's impossible to know what would've happened if you hadn't done those things. The moment is past and no-one can know .... other than with the dreaded "modelling" perhaps!

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one word: Sweden

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I humbly submit that we know what would’ve happened because it was already happening.


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