What we are seeing is the re-emergence of alchemy, this time the attempted physical and psychological transformation of the masses using the archetypal symbolic blueprint inherited via the medieval alchemists.


Whether they are aware of it or not, this is what the Great Resetters of the 21st century are attempting to achieve - immortality in the form of the philosopher's stone. Not OUR immortality, THEIR immortality. They are using the entire human race in pursuit of that selfish goal.

"The ideology, in fact, has an ancient past grounded in man’s wish to live forever — to transcend by his own power the physical limitations of the flesh. To reach this unattainable goal, faithful adherents believe the human body must be “upgraded” through technological innovations. Transhumanism can be understood today as a global scientific and social movement focused on the development of technologies aimed at enhancing the human condition. Practitioners summon the alchemical powers of biotech to integrate human beings with new technologies that “upgrade” sense perception, cognitive capacity, and to solve issues in maintaining constant connectivity to the “global central nervous system” — the internet."

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It reads like a science fiction autobiogrqphy of mankind's own demise... very well written. I can't even believe we live it, but we are, step by step.

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It reads like a science fiction autobiogrqphy of mankind's own demise... very well written. I can't even believe we live it, but we are, step by step.

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Thanks Panda. Excellent article.

Despite square miles of print. Endless meetings, seminars, forums, committees, presentations. Etc Etc Etc.

Zero legal action to convict the evil miscreants. WHY NO LEGAL JUSTICE?

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"'Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science,' sayeth Anthony Fauci, posing as Moses.": If you think of Fauci as symbolic of authoritarian science, he has a point.

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“The doctor-patient relationship has migrated from the interpersonal privacy of the doctor’s office to a geopolitical stage.” Brilliant essay.

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You are engaging in something interesting. However, I think you miss the point. I may be wrong, but I get the impression this article suggests we should cast aside faith and emotional desires in order to become more rational. But humans are – while capable of reason – creatures driven by spiritual and material desires, and cannot change their fundamental nature.

It's better to embrace meaning through images, gestures and sounds in time and learn how to read them and use them rather than pretend we will ever outgrow a reliance on cultural artifacts.

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Sorry, but I got confused with this.

Very good, but childish vid - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZTQzDDxzHU


Difference between the 1 and 2 snakes on the rod (text) - https://mcdreeamiemusings.com/blog/2019/8/10/ij6eryurmzq9pz9scmwkisgifxes2m


Quick vid on Moses ??? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oml1OGFoO7E


Anyway I totally agree with the massive amount of symbology shoved in our faces ... this one os about the number 33, but so much and many more symbols... - https://www.bitchute.com/video/wlb3mWOk4dZG/

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Also, the bowl of Hygieia (daughter of Asclepius) with a snake is a common symbol of a pharmacy in Europe.

It serves to reinforce the often-repeated triviality of «the dose makes the poison» with an implication that there is someone who knows the right dose.

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