Whenever I read fact checked articles, I feel more like they are fact chuckers instead.

I found this a few months ago: https://steemit.com/health/@johnblaid/my-education-package-to-get-up-to-speed-when-it-comes-to-virology

And this yesterday: https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/what-the-nurses-saw

And from the ever vigilant Vigilant Fox, this: https://vigilantfox.news/p/largest-vaccine-study-ever-reveals

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And you can have PhDs on all sides. It's all a bit of a farce.

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Please take a look to the talk that Dr. McCullogh had with his peer Dr. Karina Acevedo Whitehouse (It can be found in his substack) about her new book! https://www.amazon.com/dp/9694392675 https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/adverse-effects-a-critical-review

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Fact checking is a big farce. Who checks the fact checkers! I was censored on Instagram for quoting something truthful from Panda. I no longer have to raise my BP by subscribing to social media.

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are you familiar with Dr Tom Cowan md or Drs Sam and Mark Bailey mds?

free pdf of their books on the site The Contagion Myth and VirusMania

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Thanks, l have not, but will look them up. l read Drs. Pierre Kory, McCullough, David Martin, Cole et al. As well as my late husband who was a ZA educated veterinarian with a degree in Physiology, and warned us about everything there was/is to know about all the dangers of the spike protein, DNA harming, half baked mRNA vaccine, as well as the uselessness of masks.

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watching videos on www.VirusTruth.net will shed light pretty fast

or read Contagion Myth free pdf. i have the book, read it in 3 hours

then cried, from relief... no fear of contagion, is a big thing, stress

of illness melts away ! Good Bye Germ Theory another good one

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Fact-checking complex is a backdoor way toward the dystopian future. It is effectively the Ministry of Truth, and it should be reflexively rejected. I personally ignore all their pronouncements. When I see some post has been “fact checker” tagged, I always make sure I read it, exactly the opposite what they want you to do. After all, chances are that what they don’t want you to see is the truth!

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exactly ! found this terrific site helping people See the light on viruses and all shots

www.VirusTruth.Net im printing the mini flyers called LuckyDay and I put on cars and tape to gas pumps. they cant sensor flyers ! 🤗✌

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Fact-checkers are "checking facts" only if "checking" is understood in the sense of "stopping dead," the way hockey players check each other. They're not "checking" facts in the sense of "researching claims" or "arbitrating conflicting claims." Not that it would be any of their damned business if they were. "Fact-checker" is just a euphemism for "censor."

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Precisely, there is no real checking. The only thing they do is to compare what they are “checking” with the pre-approved narrative. In the KOVID psy-op the official narrative was a pack of lies, against which anything truthful could be censored. People who think they need fact-checkers are the enablers of the emerging totalitarian system.

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Mar 5Liked by PANDA

Traditional legitimate jobs are going faster than the cooling of the climate. Courtesy of computers. Pseudo-jobs (those which consist in sitting at a desk) are going to be going even faster, courtesy of AI creators and licence owners. The rest is being outsourced to distant countries, preferably distant beyond travel capacity of our local unemployed.

The only jobs left available locally will be in the information industry, formerly called propaganda or advertising. Fact checking is a nice entry-level job which requires nothing except following instructions and guidelines. It is a dream job. Quite unlike real jobs.

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