"Long may that continue"-- AMEN, Brother Nick.

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Truly amazing how prescient the "old" piece was. At the same time, not so amazing. Simply put, anyone not either already sucking on the teat of vaccine hucksters or asleep at the wheel of life should have accepted (or least considered) the reasonable points made in the September 2021 piece. One of the things most obvious about Nick is his even, nuanced, moderated consideration of factors. It shocks the hell out of me that anyone who knows him would think he had fallen prey to "conspiracy theories" or some such. At the same time, that people would insinuate such rot shows just how deep the rabbit hole of cognitive dissonance goes. Kudos to PANDA for leading the ever-growing "red-pilled army."

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Elites always call the shots, but what a large and active group of red pilled citizens can do is make it possible for elites who broadly share their values to take power and act on those values. Part of me wishes it weren't so, that 'the people' could really self-rule, but I think that's exactly the pipe dream notion under which Progressivism has smuggled unaccountable technocracy under the guise of "Our Democracy." There will always be a small group of elites that rule. The question is, whose broad values do they represent and derive their legitimacy from?

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Nick and I had a wonderful conversation on these topics on my podcast in May 2021. Highly worth a listen! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/Te7ULSHjXl8

If you want to amplify PANDA's voice, hit like and subscribe and forward the video interview to thousands of your closest friends. We can never let these clowns "declare victory." If we let them claim their masks and lockdowns "worked" they will just do it again at the earliest opportunity. Just look at how badly these idiots are pushing "MONKEYPOX!" as a scare tactic. They are sad that 99+% of people who search for monkeypox find out that if you don't engage in - mainly - homosexual group sex at raves, your chances of contracting this disease are zero.

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All hail the red-pilled. Nice piece Nick. I think we need a chat for www.thenewera.uk - an update following our chat in London back in May. A few things have happened...

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Up for that, Jeff.

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I'll be in touch to set up.

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Did you catch our discussion? https://youtu.be/Te7ULSHjXl8

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Glad to hear this is your and others perspective. I live in a very blue - appropriately called - state and don't see a whole lot of change. Could be it's happening and those in transition to red-pill skeptics are keeping it to themselves. I don't know.

The world did indeed split and I look for signs of bridges connecting or and gaps closing, all the time.

Positive is good.

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The good news is that so many of us knew this was all nonsense back in February 2020. We all just need to be clear every time it comes up that this fascist crap was just that. I wrote this in March 2020: https://christophermessina.substack.com/p/the-future-is-always-more-valuable

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I wish the red-pill would take effect more quickly. I am so tired of being constantly astounded by the efforts people make to refuse to even see it, let alone to take it. Depressingly, the blue is still the preferred pill option in the UK. Many more masks out in shops this week (if people are so worried, why go shopping?) We are so primed that we’ll lock ourselves down with no prompting from our chaotic politicians. Whilst I do take essential hope and succour from PANDA and so many others who see it and say it like it is, I feel the pull of despair as we head into winter and hear the doom-mongers clear their throats once more.

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Send this to all your blue pillers... https://youtu.be/Te7ULSHjXl8

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