I would volunteer to be on the firing squad for those shown a) Wang Yanyi? b) Shi Zhengli c) Christian Drosten d) Ulf Dittmer e) Dongliang Yang f) Chen Xinwen. It's about time that they are charged with crimes against humanity. Never mind the crimes against animals used in their research. Just saying

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“Now, if you were a detective investigating a crime – for instance, the creation of a supposedly deadly virus (whether it was in fact so deadly is, of course, another matter) – whose behaviour would you find suspicious? The behaviour of those who themselves expressed concern about a lab-leak and were keen on investigating the matter – including, n.b., none other than Anthony Fauci, who even suggested contacting the FBI – or the behaviour of those who were dismissive and defensive and tried to shut the conversation down?”

It’s not either/or. It’s all.

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More on AD Osterhaus:

1. Osterhaus knew wbout the role of ACE2 in disease:

Hamming I, Cooper ME, Haagmans BL, Hooper NM, Korstanje R, Osterhaus AD, Timens W, Turner AJ, Navis G, van Goor H. The emerging role of ACE2 in physiology and disease. J Pathol. 2007 May;212(1):1-11. doi: 10.1002/path.2162. PMID: 17464936; PMCID: PMC7167724. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17464936/

2. Osterhaus published with Drosten on SARS:

Rota PA, Oberste MS, Monroe SS, Nix WA, Campagnoli R, Icenogle JP, Peñaranda S, Bankamp B, Maher K, Chen MH, Tong S, Tamin A, Lowe L, Frace M, DeRisi JL, Chen Q, Wang D, Erdman DD, Peret TC, Burns C, Ksiazek TG, Rollin PE, Sanchez A, Liffick S, Holloway B, Limor J, McCaustland K, Olsen-Rasmussen M, Fouchier R, Günther S, Osterhaus AD, Drosten C, Pallansch MA, Anderson LJ, Bellini WJ. Characterization of a novel coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome. Science. 2003 May 30;300(5624):1394-9. doi: 10.1126/science.1085952. Epub 2003 May 1. PMID: 12730500. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12730500/

3. Osterhaus knows about gp120

Guillon C, Schutten M, Boers PH, Gruters RA, Osterhaus AD. Antibody-mediated enhancement of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infectivity is determined by the structure of gp120 and depends on modulation of the gp120-CCR5 interaction. J Virol. 2002 Mar;76(6):2827-34. doi: 10.1128/jvi.76.6.2827-2834.2002. PMID: 11861850; PMCID: PMC135957.


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Another interesting data dot to connect Germany with. Merkel had an interesting visit to Wuhan in September 2019. When she returned and started stock piling Health PPE, Germany had the lowest Cov19 mortality rate in the Western world.

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Chesterton said, the business of a man is to discover reality, and once he has to pass it along. Discovering the “virus” creation extends beyond the US border to Germany and Netherlands is important, but justice requires the agonizingly slow and expensive legal system, and prevention, requires the absence of a “young Frankenstein” global mindset (inherent in a nefarious public-private partnership) enhanced by money and power.

While going through the bad acid trip of Covid the Broad Institute in Boston simultaneously publishes a paper describing their gain of function research on a virus with a 70-80% lethality rate.

Congress can not get agency heads to answer questions regarding a host of issues.

In my opinion, we need to remove the WEF spike proteins otherwise known as young global leaders from our medical, political, legal, banking, etc systems in order to restore our stability and sanity.

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Jul 24Liked by Robert Kogon

“I am overloaded with nCoV patient-related work” says Drosten on 9 Feb 2020. What exactly was he doing?

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I noticed that too.

Potentially-related email from a batch I obtained from UNC:

23 January 2020, 9:48 am - Drosten to ICTV Coronavirus Study Group

"My concept as a more clinically —rooted virologist is that of a new serotype of SARS-CoV. This idea becomes even more real when considering the likely use of ACE2, suggesting technical serotype discrimination via antibodies interfering with receptor binding. Just like in enteroviruses, influenza, etc."

Clinically-rooted as in...?

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Hmm. My policy is to try to stay out of the comments here. But my view is that he is just bullshitting. He also appears not to have stayed on the famous Feb 1 conference call with Farrar, Fauci, Kristian Andersen et al. He said he had guests over and had to run! This from the "whistleblower letter" to Jon Cohen. The whistleblower doesn't say it was Drosten. But we can infer it was. Ron Fouchier stayed on the call and lambasted Andersen and the others. Same thing in the correspondence. Drosten cuts and runs while Fouchier does the heavy-lifting.

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"Patient-related work" is pretty specific. So if it's BS, that's a problem. If it's not, it raises other questions.

Reminder for all that this guy was quite the darling in spring 2020: https://www.science.org/content/article/how-pandemic-made-virologist-unlikely-cult-figure

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He's a researcher. I've never heard anything to suggest he has a medical practice. I'd be astonished if he was treating anybody for anything (and I'd feel very fearful for those patients!). Moreover, as you know -- and I think Domini was alluding to this -- nothing special was going on in Germany at the time. There's no way he could have been "overloaded" with Covid-related patient work.

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Agreed, but in the CSV discussion he also references himself as "more clinically-rooted," so that has a meaning of some kind.

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Nice investigation. There is and always was no doubt that the detestable bewigged Drosten and assorted Huns are involved up to their eyeballs in the covid charade.

(But then, who isn’t and who really is?)

Nevertheless, to my mind such revelations only add fuel to the virtual flames slowly and steadily fed to create ever more smoke screening the greater truth that there was no lab leak because there was no pandemic because there was no virus!

Christian Very-Important-Peruke and a multinational gain-of-fiction gang of germ-like opportunists were certainly instrumental in creating a pandemic of PCR tests based on a computer simulation.

But notwithstanding the endless opportunity for speculation, can we not now finally emerge from the bat cave into the sunlight, and leave labs, wet markets, imagined epicentres and pangolins behind? German or American, it’s the same fascist beast this time. And if we keep grabbing at its slippery tail we risk getting stuck in “One Health” animal droppings forever, which is, after all, the desired effect of an experiment on human lab rats.

(No apologies for the bestial metaphors.)

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According to the WHO inspection team, Covid did not exist there prior to September, 2019.

According to the CDC, 4-6 million Americans were Covid seropositive in December, 2019 and the world's first Covid death occurred in Kansas, before the first Chinese Covid death. So Covid must have been endemic in the US by April, 2019, to have spread so widely by December. This also fits the since debunked 'vaping' story.

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It also fits that SARS-coV-2 does not exist and what Drosten's PCR flim-flam and the hysterical medical state of mind was designed to pick up was just about anything else - pneumonia, flu, the common cold, fragments of past infections of those - and call it "covid".

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June 1, 2021. WHO sends thirty Italian Covid biological samples from 2019 to Rotterdam’s Erasmus University laboratory for re-testing.

June 8, 2021. Erasmus University lab confirms that Italian samples from 2019 ‘are very similar to what (Italy's National Cancer Institute) discovered. The combined results made a convincing case that the Coronavirus or a similar virus was circulating in Italy months before the country's first officially recorded case’.

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If a virus escaped - either from WIV or the other facility - WHEN did it actually escape?

The most interesting anecdotes I've heard about Wuhan was that many visitors to the World Military Games got "sick" in mid-October. Also, reportedly, the parking lots of about five Wuhan hospitals were oddly full in ... September 2019.

I appreciate the line in this story that suggests a contagious virus doesn't necessarily HAVE to be "deadly." How many flu viruses or other coronaviruses are actually "deadly" to 99.9 percent of the population?

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Also you accidentally blocked me on Twitter. I am having withdrawals from not getting your posts right away!

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Another great post by Jessica ❤️

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I think you're referring to my cross-post of this article! :)

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Robert Kogon

Yikes, did Christian Drosten have a lot whole lotta of irons in the fire in January/February 2020 or what?

How many computer/phone screens & apps do we think this guy had open at once?

Was he listening to "Smooth Operator" by Sade on repeat?

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" Drosten is, of course, the German creator of the notoriously hypersensitive and unreliable Covid-19 PCR test which was the very basis of the declaration of a pandemic."

This is hogwash. You need to read more original papers and stop listening to unreliable, Pfizer-generated sources. NOTE: the Chinese authors of the first Wuhan virus paper used their own primers. They published their sequence in the paper describing Patient Zero. .

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This paper, correct? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2008-3#change-history

I agree with you to a point if your point is simply about chronology.

I believe what Robert is saying in the part you quote above is that it's the Corman-Drosten protocol that served as a political and [pseudo]scientific catalyst for the PHEIC on Jan 30 and the Feb 11 2020.

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Some people argue that everybody and their cousins used Drosten’s protocol. They forget that none of the over 200 companies that got the EUA from the FDA in early 2020 used that protocol.

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"Some people" may - but I don't that get that argument from the article above.

Again, it's a simple matter of political timeline: What happened when and how are events linked? What can we tell/infer/speculate/wonder about from looking at the chronology and the players involved (especially with the benefit of hindsight, which is quite literally 2020).

The FDA EUAs - and CLIA-lab waivers for EUAs - occurred after the PHEIC was declared on January 30.

Crosten Drosten protocol was uploaded on January 13, 2020. https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/wuhan-virus-assay-v1991527e5122341d99287a1b17c111902.pdf Sources conflict as to whether the WHO shared it that day on its site.

The very latest WHO shared the protocol was January 17, 2020. https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/wuhan-virus-assay-v1991527e5122341d99287a1b17c111902.pdf

The Patient Zero paper from the Chinese was received on 07 January 2020, accepted on 28 January 2020, and published on 03 February 2020

I'm genuinely asking: are you saying the WHO reviewed the 07 January 2020 submission to Nature and that the paper should be cited as the catalyst for the emergency declaration?

I note the Jan 13, 2020 Corman-Drosten workflow says the following:

"We acknowledge the originators of sequences in GISAID (www.gisaid.org): National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China, Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical College, China, and Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China). We acknowledge Professor Yong-Zhen Zhang, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center & School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai, China for release of another sequence (MN908947).

Abbreviations and taxonomy related to the Wuhan virus are not used in any systematic way, i.e., there are multiple different designations and abbreviations for the “Wuhan virus” in this document. They all relate to the same viral agent. We use the term “SARS-related Coronavirus” to include the SARS virus as well as the clade of betacoronaviruses known to be associated with (mainly) rhinolophid bats across the Palearctic. The latest taxonomy classifies these viruses in a subgenus termed Sarbecovirus."

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The Purpose of the System is What it Does? What does our global financial system do? Creates Financial Incentives. For what Purpose? Maybe something as silly as some utopian vision simulating what it would feel like to be an active participant at an infinite orgy taking place within The Singularity? Either way, it appears that the current owners are in a heated argument over whether or not to fire the entire current management team.

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If the lab leak theory and the natural origin virus animal to human are both not likely sources for making people ill, do any of you scientists commenting here have any idea how poisoning occurred, besides via direct transfection? And I'm not referring to all the uncalled for interventions either medical or social.

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