any update?

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Pleased to see you on Substack, where IMO most of the commentators can string a comprehensible sentence together. I couldn't agree more, and I hope this actually comes to something. Thank you for the work you do, and for shining the light in a very dark 3 years. It is appreciated more than you know. All the best for 2023.

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Ps let us hope that the entire CCCC and SAHPRA are held to account too!! Also businesses who applied the ridiculous strategies without question.

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I totally commend and am deeply impressed by this initative. It is SO VITALLY IMPORTANT and makes me proud to be South African. In lieu of this i need to state thst I was forced to resign my part time job as manager of a charity shop where i had been working since 2016. A volunteer nurse at the Aids centre took it upon herself (or was directed by ?) to enforce a draconian mask mandate. She took particular interest in me as we had previously clashed over Aids patients visiting the charity shop (some very frail and weak and one lady who dropped her spittoon in the shop) without nurse supervision. When I asked if she had taken the time to do her own research she quickly labelled me a 'conspiracy theorist'. Her constant complaints about me to management lead to confrontstions with the final demand : mask 24/7 or go! I received no financial support and was told that as I had 'chosen to resign' that I could not go back.

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Governments knew long ago about the harms and that their policies did not work. eg churches were closed based on zero scientific evidence, schools were closed despite evidence that his was ineffective, governments knew---because their own scientists told them that masks did not work and the arbitrary refusal to take account of PCR cycle thresholds and the use of scientifically unproven vaccine passports........the list is endless. If governments claim they did not know (in our case they definitely did, because I told them) ---why didn't they?

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Well done those folk in South Africa.

There are judical attempts happening in the UK.

Definitely being deliberately hampered by bent judges.

Fingers well crossed that the guilty as heck do face, real genuine justice.

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UK courts are anything but independent. A complete disgrace and embarrassment. Let SA show the way. Their courts are far more independent than the UK

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Covid policy claims of public service hold water until the internal documents are released.

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Very good news.

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Some good news. People need to be held to account for the damages they have caused - based on a pandemic that never 'happened'

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