Thank you for keeping on this. Please don't stop. With each day that passes, facts are lost, forgotten, or even erased. Everyone is pretending none of this ever happened.

I cannot forget. Especially because the same thing could happen tomorrow! Nothing has really changed. They're still masked here in Chicago. I have become convinced that they will never, ever stop. It's now been normalized, especially for kids. Younger ones have no memory of Before. They think it's normal to wear or at least see people with useless rags on their faces. It's horrifying. But it doesn't seem to bother anyone here.

I can't live like this. I cannot endure it again.

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While I find your position interesting, I feel like you construct kind of a weak argument and I'd like to bring to light some issues with it so you can choose to strengthen your argument if you'd like.

To begin, your claim is based on the idea that a "pandemic" is an event that requires a large amount of deaths. You go on to say that this is the common understanding of a pandemic by the public; however, a quick google search will show that the definition of pandemic is fairly consistent which only lays out that an infectious disease must spread across multiple regions in multiple countries in a nature that is "widespread" (to be more precise, it would be wise for someone to outline "widespread"). If, as the final paragraphs of that section implies, your issue is with the manipulation and misguidance of "the establishment" (which I would also suggest you define-- is the establishment the government? whose government? is is all branches or only specific branches? all people within a branch or specific "bad actors"? I highly doubt that even if the "American government" misled the public, that this would include people such as my postman -- who is a government employee).

Second, in the section regarding the "creation of the virus" you presuppose that in order for a lab-leaked virus to cause a pandemic, it must be intentionally created to do so. However, this is factually untrue. Take, for example, Viagra, which was originally used for treatment of angina and hypertension. Scientists created a medication for one purpose and ultimately ended up having properties that were had additional outcomes, other than the one intended. This is just one example of human creation resulting in outcomes unforeseen by it's original creator.

Third, your argument that the spread and death rate of the virus seemed to follow "political and administrative lines" supposes that these administrative lines where put in prior to obtaining data about spread which is factually inaccurate. The best example being travel restrictions on China being put in place well after they began locking down citizens in Wuhan in January of 2020. Additionally, in this section the claim that the chance is "small" is not sufficient to indicate that it is not possible, but rather that you as an individual believe that it did not happen in this instance. While that is true, I think it a weak claim to base a larger argument on.

Furthermore, you say that there were "no prior signs of abnormality" before we declared pandemic status. This is factually not true. As someone who followed this pandemic closely since January of 2020 (I can provide proof, if necessary ,of the John Hopkins website when COVID number were below 10,000), there had been lockdowns in Wuhan occurring far before March 2020 when the pandemic began to affect American policy.

I also find the claim that "novel" implied that the virus must be a disease that has "unique characteristics" or a signature, is a stretch when we consider that there are only so many symptoms the human body can display despite there being a large amount of different pathogens that can cause said symptoms. Though this doesn't break your argument, I do think it ignores the nature of human illness being limited by the capacities of the human body (we only have so many organs that can only be impacted in a number of ways, so there is a limitation at how "new" a virus can seem symptomatically). Furthermore you state that the mass instances of symptoms can be, in part, traced to "non-treatment" but, there were attempts to treat the symptoms both over the counter and in hospitals. This proved helpful for some and not for others as each body is different and responds to viruses and medications differently. Viruses are not like bacteria where we have a standard for treatment of the source pathogen-- there is not a standard "antiviral" that mimics an "antibiotic."

The qualm I have with this argument is that it ignores some context of the beginning of the pandemic, which potentially points to why such drastic measures were taken. At the beginning, we had very little knowledge about this virus except what was trackable in other countries. Due to this, we saw a lot of death and despair in places like China, where there were strict lockdowns, and in Italy, where the hospital system was not able to keep up with the rapid rise in illness that required inpatient treatment. Even further into the pandemic in NYC, we saw a rise in hospitalizations and the institutions were not able to keep up with the demand. All of this to say, some of the drastic measures were taken, not because the virus itself was a large danger to the population, but because of the knock off effects of having a highly transmissible virus that had the potential of hospitalization rip through communities. The high hospitalization rates, in many places, surpassed the ability to accommodate that the limited resources that hospitals have to work with. The concern was that, with hospitals having no available beds, other very treatable medical issues like minor heart attacks could take lives due to the lack of staff and resources to treat.

To wrap up my comment, I want to discuss what I agree with you on and the strong points of your argument.

1) I agree that the handling of COVID was abysmal. I agree that there were many politicians that used scare tactics to get the public to "fall in line" and I am not a proponent of lying, manipulating, or overblowing information to get the public to do what you want. (I am a person who believes that the ends never justify the means if the means are unethical if not tied to the ends).

2) I agree that in the current economic system, the continued use of scare tactics to gain funding for private interests guised as "public health and safety", is a real possibility that the public should be aware of. There are many industries that are based in fear mongering for money and this very well could end up being the next one.

3) I appreciate the attempt at a logic based argument as to why the pandemic didn't really occur (though it seems to me that your claim is a mixture of "it didn't happen" and "it wasn't as portrayed").

I think your overarching claim is definitely one that needs to be explored much more by the public, rather than immediately shutting it down similar to how we may a Holocaust denier. I hope my comment finds you well, as a way of trying to strengthen your argument as to have others take your stance more seriously, rather than another attempt just to argue in the comments section (though admittedly, I am arguing in the comments section but tried to do so more along the lines of the construction of an argument rather than just typing in all caps that I think you're wrong).

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Would be great if you could include citations and links to back up each assertion, as a resource for readers who aren't familiar with the key ideas.

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What is 'novel' is the virus produced by the 'leaky' toxic injections. As Geert Vandenbosh warned, the injections caused the actual pandemic! I walked around confident in 2020, knowing the illusion. I saw no one sick with a deadly pathogen. And then I witnessed the uptake of injections. Suddenly, people were sick and dying all around me! And it hasn't stopped.

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It was lot easier to spread the testing method than the incidence of illness, simply because asymptomatic carriers will out number those who are symptomatic.

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Very interesting article and comments - thanks all.

My only scientific knowledge comes from my husband (B.V.Sc., M.Med.Vet.- Physiology. Pretoria) who died end October 2020 of cardiac disease. At the beginning of 2020 when the Covid-19 manipulation raised it’s ugly head, he warned us and friends who listened NOT to get vaccinated because of the inherent harm in the spike protein mRNA vaccine - from it’s half-baked manufacturing, correct protocols ignored in trials and details of how it would harm our bodies.

Living in BC Canada, where the mandates were perhaps more draconian than anywhere else, including lies, false science, fear mongering through forced mask wearing, punishment for the unvaccinated and dismissal from their jobs as nurses and subsequent persecution of doctors who even questioned the harm they noticed in their patients (Dr. Charles Hoffe is an ongoing case).

These are all things and more, which made me realise that there is no intention of preventing this plandemic. Instead there is an insidious reason for manipulating people to get vaccinated, many of whom had no choice. For simple, hardworking folk, the bank and investment ramifications as mention by some, had little meaning. They regarded the government as omnipotent and it was only after many contracted repeated cases of covid in spite of assurances to the contrary, did they start to realise the fraud.

In BC, masks are still required in all hospitals and medical facilities, vaccines are still required across the country for students to attend high schools or colleges. None of the fired nurses and doctors are being recalled. It is as if the Marxist medical authorities have never heard of the many published evidence by real medical scientists who have refuted the governmental and political lies.

IMO, apart from the money-making scams of the vaccine promoters, I think harming people was always the intention in order to reduce the world populations. It is all tied in with evil Bill Gates, WEF, WHO and their cohorts. They are working on the next plandemic and will not stop until God puts a stop to them.

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I will read this when done with work stuff. I'm afraid to read it.

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Pandemic can be a political term or a scientific one..The "or" can be inclusive or exclusive. The COVID pandemic was entirely political, frankly - mostly bureaucratic, with scientific discussion blocked bureaucratically from the start..It is not possible for bureaucrats to identify a scientific pandemic without open scientific discussion and debate. No such discussion was permitted.

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Very interesting. Thank you.

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More photos of viruses: https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/6/12/4902

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I too am going to suggest that never has a virus been proven to exist, nor contagion. Both are the twin towers of Rockefeller lies - for profit selling His petro-"medicines" ("medicines" made from oil) and fear factor (for control - used to full advantage in 2020).

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

I Am Not Anti-vax; I Am Anti-virus! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/i-am-not-anti-vax-i-am-anti-virus

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As others say there is no virus causing disease, and no contagion. The lab leak theory is merely a distraction, labs are used for money laundering taxpayers' money as much as anything in the name of alleged beneficial research.


The so-called virus is, if anything, the exosome, essentially waste products of the body.


What gets spread are lies, damn lies and manipulated statistics.



COVID 19 was the 'flu re-branded and as I had to do in 2020, it is vital we all understand what the 'flu is.


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I agree with a lot of what you're saying but feel you could take it a step further as they do here in their discussion of the process known as density gradient centrifugation. https://dpl003.substack.com/p/the-og-no-virus-movement-the-perth

A song about the fraud of Virology. Watch THE DISH. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-music-video-the-dish

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There is no virus, no contagion, no lab leak because what the self proclaimed experts call a virus are dead cell debris particles, not contagious ! www.VirusTruth.net

there is no proof any virus even exists, all vaccines harmful and needless.

causing sudden infant death,to autism, to cancer....

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In summary, the 'pandemic' was caused by lies and truth is a pursuit.

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It was the disappearance of seasonal flu that is the best evidence. The explanations for this phenomenon make no sense except that seasonal flu was renamed covid 19.

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