Very useful information, thank you.

I've long suspected that "X" is a bit of a honeypot, selling "free speech" as bait while allowing an Israeli company, AU10TIX to do background checks (and most likely building a data base of their own to boot).

I personally have experienced being instantly shadow banned on X by sharing verifiably accurate information on Israel/Gaza, to throw some salt in that wound I received a nice label in green in my profile "This profile is not shadow banned".

Presumably they change the name while keeping the effect.

AU10TIX is a subsidiary of ICTS International N.V. is a Dutch firm that develops products and provides consulting and personnel services in the field of aviation and general security. It was established in 1982, by former members of the Shin Bet, Israel's internal security agency.

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Vanguard is the chief shareholder in both companies.

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This is not true either. The main shareholders of Orgenesis are named in the article. Vanguard is the top *institutional* investor, which is a different matter and is frequently confused with shareholding per se. As a mutual fund, Vanguard holds non-controlling equity stakes in literally *thousands* of companies: including, for instance, Tesla and Starbucks. Does this make Tesla or Starbucks the "owners" of Orgenesis? I have seen this argument pop up in attempts to salvage some kind of would-be "kernel of truth" in the original Pfizer-owns-Orgenesis canard. But it is obviously absurd.

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How much influence does Vanguard retain through those shares? And where is the ubiquitous Blackrock?

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Pelham was the name of a UK company that made puppets.

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clarified and settled that red herring! thank you! abide

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Social media sites would have top-notch reputation systems if they were serious about promoting truth. I imagine lies are more profitable than truth though.

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Sounds right to me. Thank you.

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Excellent sleuthing.

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Unfortunately Dr. Malone’s account has been hacked in the past sending tweets he never wrote, that has been a problem for him even when his account was de-platformed before Elon Musk bought the company. So not sure if it was really him posting it, or a hacker like has happened to him before, I’m sure he’ll notify his followers if it was another nefarious post. So ridiculous that we have to wonder about these things these days.

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Brilliant, thanks!

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Although anyone can supposedly research every claim made by someone, the task of verifying or disproving them all is truly impossible. This is where local focus is more important than all the information online or in media of any sort. Pay attention to information but act mainly on that which you can confirm locally.

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A vast majority of people take information at face value and do zero verification. Of course, one cannot chase down every bit of data that is posted but doing some due diligence over time invariably gathers up info that builds over time from which you can use to spot the subversions and untrue data. At least that’s how it has worked for me.

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beware the international health regulations check out citizengo.org also the james roguski substack for more information

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The bigger problem looks to be perpetuating the idea that RNA can pandemic & that Gain of Function is more than the fundamental method to make vaccines. We seem to chase the wrong questions and treat Twitter as if it has any connection to reality.

How about focus on the fact that the idea of countermeasures is as fraudulent as GoF mythology that lets the idea that petrie dish colnes change the rules of Mother Nature.

NIH funded GoF review clearly details GoF as the method to develop vaccines.. search 1,200 page document for "however" where every section notes the CRISPR consensus clones do NOT reflect "wild type virus" or consider human immune response. Let's stop chasing phantom issues and tackle the biggest lie that natural RNA molecules are a threat when bad ideas & fear do the job.


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