They even want physiaicans to give food prescription in the name of one health and climate change - https://patientmaktpatientcv.substack.com/p/one-health-medical-food-prescriptions

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"Toolkits" will be the death of us. The best example at the highest level are the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Just unsubscribed from Panda Uncut because of this uneducated, inaccurate, climate crisis denying nonsense. I encourage others to likewise unsubscribe.

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The climate "crisis" is a fraud, but like you I will provide no evidence of this.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Wow...you had time to virtue signal but not point out one mistake..yet you own a car and are connected to the grid and use planes...typical

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An objective reference to a decline in the number of climate related deaths would be welcome.

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Try the google..go on..use your "mind"..just for once instead of expecting other people to do all the work for you..this could be a start!!

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Try writing a constructive comment. Google..go us rarher mindless if you ask me

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This appears to be another manipulation by unprincipled doctors as they did to their patients during the Covid plandemic scare. At that time it was revealed that they received remuneration from Big Pharma. I wonder who paid them this time?

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Jul 17Liked by PANDA

"Don't bother to examine a folly. Ask yourself only what it is meant to accomplish."

I love it that there are people who can put together this kind of intellectual ammunition. It can only give confidence and encouragement to those who oppose the death cult of the Nut Zeroes. What it can't do is make the Nut Zeroes themselves swerve from their agenda. They are impervious to reality. You can supply them with data from here to eternity and it will never make any difference because they don't give a rat's ass about the climate, the poor, whales, coral, Gaia, or anything else they claim to love. Every cause du jour they pick up is a pretext, not an end in itself. The reality is that Nut Zeroes do not and can not value *anything.* They are haters. They hate themselves and therefore life and therefore their goal is *always* destruction for the sake of destruction.

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If their hate cannot allow any other ideas to permeate, then the task is to innoculate (for want of a better word) the non-Nuts. And that is already happening at enormous scale.

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Exactly. You can lead a whore to culture but you can't make her think. The information has to be aimed at rational, sane people who are making a good faith effort to understand the subject.

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Poverty is caused on a large scale by powerful people wanting more power. There's more than enough potential on this planet to fill everyone's needs.

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I only recently realised we'd got to the stage of making the poor even poorer. I had assumed that, as the Climate Crisis is a middle-class gullible/uber-rich nutter imaginary fiasco, it was only affecting us here in the West. It hadn't dawned on me that the politicians in poor countries would fall for it. However, I see the BBC have decided Africa has its own Climate Deniers in the form of poor farmers who want access to fertilisers so as to grow food. How very dare they!!!!

So now they will be stopping third world doctors from treating people because of the Climate Crisis. Because you can bet that Western doctors won't stop treating people (assuming you can get to see one!). I suppose a lot of third world medical facilities rely on the UN/WHO/Bill Gates to fund their facilities so they sort of have their hands tied.

The whole Climate Crisis nonsense is so unbelievable that I have to pinch myself sometimes to check I'm not dreaming. I don't know how it gets stopped. The people who think they are gods (old Billy Boy again) have the money, power and influence to control the stupid politicians around the world and you've only got to look at madman Ed Milliband in the UK to see how effect the brainwashing has been on them.

The CO2 thing drives me crazy - I keep having to point out that trees love the stuff, that commercial glasshouse growers have to pump the stuff into the houses because there's not enough floating around outside, that more CO2 makes the world greener and gives everyone more food. People are always suprised and then, giving it a bit of thought, end up agreeing that CO2 is important. But they usually end up saying that "The Scientists" wouldn't say their was a Climate Crisis caused by too much CO2 made by humans if it wasn't true. No shortage of stupidity and gullibility in the world is there?

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Is it really about ideology?

Doctors order various procedures, tests, consultations, examinations and other maybe unnecessary trips for their patients for justified reasons:

1. To protect themselves against claims of malpractice or inadequate practice: the more tests they order, the “better” they are.

2. To shift liability (if any) to other faculties in case of actual malpractice, medical error or simple coincidences. In court, determining the liability for 1 test will take a few months, and for 20 tests - eternity. Safe and effective.

3. To blow up their authority for the patient. Plus, if they find any reason in the results to prescribe more tests or more drugs or more procedures, why not?

4. To bully patients into subordination and worship. So common.

5. To push the patient at hand into some future “to do”.

6. To secure their position in the medical clan for the future. What kind of a doctor you are when you diagnose a patient 100% true by mere looking at him/her? (The old school, extremely respected and extremely excellent doctors - so extremely hard to find these days…) What about your colleagues? They also have families and need to earn a buck. Or a thousand.

7. To expand the budget of their employer.

8. To make the appearance of how absolutely necessary they are. (This is why they hate patients who are aware of their condition and determinants and who (unlike these doctors) actually read stuff.)

Exceptions apply.

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Jul 17Liked by PANDA

Great article..I was in a local veterinary surgery a few months ago..it was covered with $climate$ propaganda that was not even asinine...designed for the barely sentient..

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deletedJul 17Liked by PANDA
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Yes, I've always wanted to know why something happens. Curiosity about the world in general helps keep your mind young and protects you from ideology.

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