Jul 7Liked by Jonathan Engler

Every single aspect of most narratives of officialdom are BS. Skepticism by default is the only sane position but people have been conditioned to do just the opposite. They acquiesce to and believe their abusers, proven liars, no matter how bad it gets.

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Huh, the excess mortality in Bergamo in the first wave was way too big (like, half a year's worth of the usual death rate in a month) and way too early (~half of it *before* lockdowns started) to be plausibly explained by 3.a) to 3.d)

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I’m not sure I understand. The entire thesis is that it was too big and too steep to be a novel spreading pathogen (which did nothing in neighboring regions !) so had to be something else.

That’s all that is being said there.

The implication of your comment is that you think the steepness of the curve and 800-1000% excess death rates seen SUPPORTS the novel spreading virus theory?

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hi Jonathan and Nick, see my stack here that I just posted up to showcase this good scholarship by Engler...it is well done:


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Hi Jonathan, I am taking the liberty of posting my stack here and I am placing this by PANDA in cue for it is striking deep into enemy territory.


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How best to drive change in the system..... Prepare, Beta test, test, deploy. was this the testing phase?

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Must be booster time for some of these nutters who put their faith in the government. You have taken ALL of your boosters, haven't you? Yeah right, you dills.

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This was planned for years. It was not a lab leak !!! , but done on purpose. That's why I'm saying mark of the beast . Who of us knows what we will become like in a few years.

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There is something living in these Vaccs that changes our DNA. why were we deceived ? What is in my body now ?? I feel horrible that something is changing my DNA to become What ????

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Is this the mark of the beast ?

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Is this the Mark of the beast written about in the bible ? Revelation.

Did you know that millions of Jews got 6-7-8 if not more boosters of this vacc in Israel ? .

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You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink it. Way too many people with their heads in the sand, brainwashed and indoctrinated to a a T!

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I'm curious why you say, "There is no evidence that viruses can be engineered so as to have dangerous pandemic potential." Haven't they been working on that for decades?

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Working on it isn’t the same as doing it.

What actually IS the evidence that they can engineer viruses to have pandemic potential?

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lots of this was theoretical and they can show us documents and theory but cannot prove many aspects. we are right to question.

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Absolute respect here for your work/opinion and for that of Dr Yeadon. There is a gap though.

Please watch this testimony from John Watt. He starts by describing the symptoms he suffered in 2020 following a flight from South Africa, culminating in an op for heart stents.

Then please answer this question, if you can, to provide illumination to the many people who became sick in 2019/2020 with weird flu and/or respiratory/cardiac symptoms, well before the bio-weapon injection rollout.

If a GOF pathogen did not exist then what was it that caused episodes of this type of sickness to be reported? If you fail to deal with this and the ‘happy hypoxic’ stories, if you simply dismiss the medical evidence of these incidents and insist there was no pathogen created/ released, without dealing with this type of ubiquitous evidence, you cut the legs from under the rest of your argument.


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I argue something was there, and Engler is not saying that there was not nor I...but it does not need to be a GoF virus.

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They deployed something. Coxiella Burnetii? What if Sarscov2 was a red herring but they’d perfected the aerosolisation of CB as a bio-weapon in level 4 labs. What if CB was aerosolised and deployed worldwide in 2019/20, on planes, underground stations, crowded areas in major cities. Q Fever has similar symptoms to sarscov2. leading to pneumonia and endocarditis. It was not tested for as they weren’t looking for it but could have been, using a PCR test. Or did they design the PCR to pick up CB? What if the (fairly available) Coxiella B. Pathogen was a component of (some batches) of the jabs?

Look at the symptoms here.


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Thank you. Based on people’s accounts of their illness from Europe and Asia I heard in 2019/20 I suspected a deployed pathogen. Found first mention on here. Why do you think people aren’t crediting this?

‘Epidemic of Fraud’

See Coxiella Burnetii

at 1:25:00


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Maybe they can’t make scary infectious diseases like they would have us believe. Maybe they just use poison, of which electromagnetic radiation is a type of poison, as well as many chemicals. I would recommend following Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt if you have any more questions about this.

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Apr 24Liked by Jonathan Engler

I don't really know. I think the theory that the lab leak vs natural origin are both red herrings has merit. I honestly hadn't really thought much about it until that Panda article. It's compelling, for sure. It may also be the simplest explanation, but that would make that entire event even more nefarious and conspiratorial than it already is - and that's saying a lot.

I've written a bunch of stuff on this file, so I've got a pretty good grasp of the context. It wouldn't take much to convince me.

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The simplest explanations should always be regarded as default hypotheses. The obligation to falsify rests with the believers of more complex explanations to prove the truthfulness of their hypotheses. That is how science has always advanced before.

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And the explanations given for the lack of anything at all being noticed before the declaration of the “emergency” are complex, involving a series of new and entirely untested and unevidenced assumptions about seasonal triggers or genomic mutation or other fantasy elements.

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I believe it was a pandemic. (It's an interesting theory though.) I saw it for myself firsthand however the vaccine, lockdowns and masks were ridiculous and ineffective. I believe it was from a lab, whether intentionally or not I do not know and neither do most people. You are entitled to your opinion however sometimes when you are that extreme it shuts ppl off. That said all opinions can be entertained and I'm always open and interested to learn. I wish more ppl felt that way. I've written about the next pandemic and turbo cancer. Open dialogue is very important so thanks for posting! Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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I like what you say Sabrina but Engler is explaining his reasons, so you must do so too, you cannot just accept what was told to you...

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Out of interest, when you say it was a pandemic, by what definition are you making that assessment?

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Looking at the definition it's a "widespread occurrence of an infectious disease over a whole country or the world at a particular time." I saw what happened in NYC and it was bc it's so densely populated but I never saw anything like that with the flu or any other illness.

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could a poison not be released in multiple locations causing the same respiratory symptoms? what is stopping that?

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Coxiella burnetii may have been GOF, aerosolised and selectively deployed. Makes sense on all levels. See ‘Epidemic of Fraud’. Coxiella Burnetii at 1:25:00


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Ok. So you’re submitting to the relatively new WHO requirement that mortality need not be a feature.

I don’t that’s wise when you look at what plans they have in store for their “pandemic preparedness agenda”.

(Not that I think there was a novel illness anyway btw)

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One more thing. I can see why the terminology would be important for protocol. However there is not much we can do to change that as of now.

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I honestly didn't know about the WHO requirement. I am talking about just seeing a lot of ppl ill at once. Perhaps the term "pandemic" is incorrect--I don't know. It was just perhaps a new strain of the flu. Call it what you want. Those are semantics. I am on the same page as you in thinking there were and are a lot of shenanigans going on with all of it. And yes, I am certain there will be another with a "preparedness agenda." Perhaps they did release it intentionally. Whatever the case, a lot of ppl got really sick. We can call it whatever but anyone with a brain in their head knows that there is massive corruption going on.

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And what did the forehead temperature gauge do to our children’s pineal gland daily?

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This is a pointless denial of reality.

We can, and do, alter RNA viruses

We know a lethal infection spread throughout the whole world = pandemic by definition

We know the death rate is just under one in a hundred

We know more than 7 million deaths are attributed to Covid and Covid alone by very experience doctors with first world laboratories at hand.

We know that there are about 4 times as many who have long, persistent severe symptoms and disabilities and I am just one of them - 55 years a doctor and specialist in Internal Medicine and Infectious disease.

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Death rate of just under 1%, covid attribution was done by "very experienced doctors with first world laboratories at hand"??!!

I suppose you are going to tell me now that the long, persistent symptoms have got absolutely nothing to do with the gene therapy injections?

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I am vexed by blithering idiocy but here is as good a place as any to make another point.

The name for cow in French is la vache which gave rise to the name vaccination as LIVE cowpox virus was inserted into the skin - this vaccination applied worldwide allowed us to eliminate smallpox from circulating in the human race. I have no doubt it is still alive in biowarfare labs like in Wuhan and its equivalent in Russia, China and USA

It was not gene therapy, it was inoculation/vaccination.

There were three types of vaccine, the mRNA, the DNA and the protein based.

I have no doubt that the mRNA vaccines have unacceptible side effects which include syndromes identical to long Covid which are in about 4% of all Covid infected people including in nations which had NO mRNA vaccine of any kind.

Hindsight make genius of us all; the mRNA injected turned out to be unstable and so multiple proteins were produced and presented to the immune system and they all were treated by the body as foreign protein and drove the immune system into overdrive just like HIV/AIDS virus does in the body of humans.

Nobody on earth can know in one year the range of effects that a novel, man-made RNA virus is capable of inducing - the rush-jobs on testing the safety and efficacy of the novel method of producing a vaccine was announced as provisional and high vigilance was repeatedly recommended.

With or without a vaccine, isolation of the known infected until they recovered, quarantine of their close contacts and physical separation in public areas were all tried and tested and reliable responses to previous deadly airborne viruses and people could not or would not do it properly in many societies.

Are you an alien abductee or do you prefer flat earth science or young earth creationism?

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Sorry Doc. I hate to break it to you.

Here's Australia's Office of the Gene Technology Regulator approval for “it's not a gene therapy" AstraZeneca Genetically Modified COVID-19 Vaccine.


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I’m jealous. I really am. It must be great to have such certainty in everything the “authorities” tell you.

It won’t have crossed your mind once that the “science eradicated smallpox from the face of the earth” story is riddled with holes.


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It's on the walls of the Jenner museum too. We went on a home ed workshop a few years ago, part of the itinerary was we were split into two groups, one for, one against the vaccine, evidenced from the museum exhibits only, we fell in the "anti" group, which won very comfortably. Interestingly, the museum lady said, oh the anti side always wins, how strange. We didn't even have time to read right through the newspaper clipping about the Leicester protests, which I've since read about, to find the epidemics were eventually ended by STOPPING the vaccine

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https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/p/italian-study-calculates-covid-19 Italian study calculates Covid-19 vaccine reduces average life expectancy by four months

by adjusting for significant biases in observational data


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