I suppose you waited until a highly robust case could be made. At some point, it will indeed become impossible to suppress this type of analysis.

*The COVID résistance: brute-forcing the truth into the public's awareness since 2020*

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30% adverse events in the gene-therapied group Vs 14% in the placebo group is a 16%age POINTS or a 114% increase in adverse events in the former compared to the latter.

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Thanks Panda. The legitimacy & veracity of all Health Regulatory bodies worldwide are now known for the complete failures that they've become.

Not guarding the people's health any longer. Now just legitimizing megaharmas crimes against humanity.

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According to the CDC, the average American is 72 times more likely to die in a car accident than of covid. 42,000 deaths by MVA/year divided by 72 is 583 covid deaths per year. Factor in the near-total unreliability of PCR and RAT, the flat-out lies of hospitals, doctors, and the CDC/FDA, and the conclusion is that no more than a tiny handful of Americans have died of or from covid. In 2003 SARS 1.0 killed fewer than 800 people globally. There's no reason to believe that covid accounted for more than that. The injections have killed more by far than the Dread Terror Disease.

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They didn't "save" a SINGLE life.

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Nobody I know was hospitalized or died from Covid. Nearly everyone I know got transfected with mRNA jabs and most of them have had serious health effects since. Seven have cancers five more autoimmune illness & this experience is common to most of the population.

It may not be regarded w validity of clinical trials or peer reviewed study but it is beyond random probability to ignore the jabs as a source even for those who are steeped in pandemic propaganda that ignores the true source of this disaster.

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The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. All the preclinical research regarding how fenbendazole eradicates cancer is consistent with its effects in practice. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved three people (make that FOUR) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com its all free.

Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, lung, it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are melanoma, ovarian, breast, myeloma, bladder are the next five.

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The article said "a great number of people receiving the experimental Covid shots end up contracting Covid in the first two weeks after their injection", but unless the virus was so clever and cunning that it was lying in wait for the vaccinees to have their jabs before pouncing on them, then I'd suggest a more plausible reason ... the jabs effectively gave them Covid. It turned them into spike protein factories, a major component of the virus, (some would say the most important component), so if that isn't giving someone Covid, then what is it? And hence the sudden rise in case numbers following 'vaccination'

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I am not sure that follows logically.

What if the virus is so dispersed that you basically can't avoid meeting it, and whether or not you become at all ill depends on proper immune functioning constantly detecting, reacting and fighting off pathogenic threats. The injections disrupt that process so you become ill.

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I'm not saying it's defintely true but I was throwing it out there for consideration as a possibility that never seems to be considered. As you said, another option would be the virus is 'everywhere all the time', although that would presumably mean the jabs would have to degrade protection immediately for case numbers to suddenly spike in the week or two directly following vaccinations, whereas with "my" suggestion, there would be less of a time lag because the vaccinee is directly injected with the virus (well, sort of).

Anyway thanks for the article and the interesting reply

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Thomas, excellent line up. But disagree with the conclusion that we are in the blind about HOW the mRNA shots do their damage.

Its quite obvious that the mRNA strings, wrapped in lipid nano particles can enter the bloodstream and end up in various organs including the brain. Spike proteins are triggered, and the immune system starts attacking the bodies own cells. This has been proved in various autopsy reports in Germany, Japan, Korea and probably other countries. We also know that the nano particles stay in the body much longer than claimed by the vaccine makers and government agencies.

So, I see a clear connection between the adverse effects and the mechanics that cause them. Robert Clancy gave excellent explanations in some of John Campbells broadcasts, but this info is widely available (not in MSM obviously). I believe there is no need to be cautious about that relation.

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Of course COVID-19 shots killed hundred thousands, if not millions of people. VAERS reports can not be ignored.

However COVID-19 shots also net protected those who took them from COVID death in 2021. This can be seen in every cross-region regression between excess mortality and vaccination rates. Very hard to deny.

Worst of all though - and not yet part of any popular narrative - COVID-19 shots killed the unvaccinated in 2021 through the interaction between virions and host immunity, which lead to the Delta tragedy.

The number one most important article on SARS-CoV-2 in my humble opinion: https://www.thelancet.com/action/showPdf?pii=S2352-3964%2823%2900099-3

There was a cover-up of the situation that was kicked off on July 15th when Walensky first uttered the term "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated". The cover-up extends to accounts not being approved by GISAID and all sources I know of being wrong about when Delta was first sequenced (2-3 weeks into phase 1 clinical trials, NOT in India in October 2020).

Delta was prevalent in countless regions throughout the entire duration of the clinical trials. This is the lie of the century that serves to cover up the crime of the century.

No Gompertz function can explain how Delta spread. Even Richards models fail to do so when the index case occurred before October 2020. The growth constant of Delta is not a constant. It is a linear function of vaccination rates, modified by natural (pre-vaccine) immunity.

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In our preceding article we showed that the covid shots did not prevent infections, but rather increased them. And we showed that the covid shots did not prevent covid deaths. And we linked to studies that showed that excess mortality increased with increased vaccinations. Please see our previous article:


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The shots couldn't have net protected anyone from death in 2021 because they can't protect people from things that don't happen. The ARR is effectively zero.

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“However COVID-19 shots also net protected those who took them from COVID death in 2021.”

More likely, have vaccinated status directed attribution of death away from covid-19, because attribution to covid-19 as COD is test-dependent.

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My statement is based on the overall lower excess mortality in regions with higher vaccination rates, so I'm afraid that argument is void. The efficacy becomes evident in almost all subpopulation defined by gender and age group, except for children.

Jessica, I am all with you on the geronticide in NYC. I am relatively convinced that it was premeditated mass murder intended to push people into giving up their fundamental rights in order to make further criminal conduct possible, so I think you are fulfilling an important role in uncovering what happened and history will thank you for it.

It can not be explained by the virus alone. You have done excellent work on this already. I salute your stubbornness and hope you never give up.

When it comes to the crimes that took place in 2021 though, I trust the thousands of hours of work I myself have invested into the data. I have literally pulled my hair out in despair over the impenetrable wall of preconceptions that I keep running into trying to convince vaccine critics and proponents alike, which is why I have devided to give up on discussing these matters.

I will add my 2 cents here and there, but will shy away from discussions, because it is draining the energy that I need to invest into building a strong case about the tragedy that took place in 2021, because I want the murderous pigs that made it possible brought to justice.

Even if that can not be accomplished, it is crucial for my argument to:

- Acknowledge vaccine efficacy

- Acknowledge COVID-19 being a potentially lethal disease

I follow the data that is available to me and we should not try to get each other off track by getting into pointless discussions.

If I can ever help you with any data or coding needs, let me know.

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This is an odd response.

What is it that you think I'm proposing about the vaccine?

-Vaccine efficacy against what?

-Validity of the PCR test to do what?

-Covid-19 is a lethal disease for whom, when, and under what conditions? By "lethality" I assume (but don't know for sure if) you mean lethal enough to add risk of mortality to the soup of respiratory pathogens. If so, by how much does SARS-CoV-2 add such risk, for whom, and why do you say so?

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Stop with the Socratic bullshit. It won't work on me. You are not trying get answers, so stop asking questions.

I am not a total moron, you know?

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I'll never stop asking questions.

It's not "socratic" (though my background is as a teacher and teacher of teachers). You've made claims, and I'm asking you questions about those claims, to gain clarity about your position.

There's no need to lash out at me.

I never suggested you were a moron. On the contrary, I'm paying you the compliment of addressing the substance of your argument.

What you see as pointless discussion I see as abundantly critical. We may disagree on what's important and what's tangential, but there's still no need to make it personal.

I don't see where I was personal at all.

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I am kinda sensitive I guess, but in case I am not the first to react this way, here is why:

When you want to have a productive conversation, make sure you form whole sentences when addressing the person. I know this is a pretty standard way to talk to students in order to challenge them, but when you address someone who just told you he does not want to be be drawn into a discussion at this point, because he would like to invest his energy into other things, phrasing questions this way is not going to have a high chance of leading to a fruitful discussion.

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Okay, fair enough. Apologies if my reply was a bit harsh. But like I said, I would rather invest my time into the data. These discussions are really taking time off what's important. I don't enjoy them at all.

It's not personal which you could have gathered from the compliments I made, but it drains my energy and is kind of annoying at this point. Just let me invest my time into investigating the delta situation for now and maybe at some point we get a chance to discuss these things.

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This paper confirms its finding too that Excess deaths were most probably caused by the poison injection in Germany and Japan.

Scherb H, Hayashi K. Annual All-Cause Mortality Rate in Germany and Japan (2005 to 2022) With Focus on The Covid-19 Pandemic: Hypotheses And Trend Analyses. Med Clin Sci. 2023; 5(2):1-7.

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Certain factors may make it impossible for a person to file a VAERS report. Lack of internet access and or disabilitys for example. You can’t take a break and go back finishing the report, it has to be done in one sitting which leaves out a substantial percentage of the disabled population.

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The vaers data is regulated by the CDC... and is not reliable due to under reporting and manipulation by vested interested parties involved in the vaccine industry.

They mark their own exam papers.. and get top marks for an unsafe study of the devastation they are causing...

One look at Health Insurance data and it’s immediately clear the data reveals a bigger iceberg... with more souls lost or harmed than the CDC could ever admit to.

Vaccines are never safe... even Wyeth (Pfizer) admitted this (unavoidably unsafe)in the 1986 act signed by President Reagan...it was put in the clause they signed.This implies that the outcome of any vaccine can never be 100% safe... Russian roulette anyone?

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