Regarding the outlier northern states, it might be revealing to add weekly average temperature and humidity into the mix, plotted against deaths on the same timescales. Hawaii is pretty radically different in so many respects, so I would suspect quite different factors are at play compared to the northern latitude states.

Thanks for putting this out there.

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These data are useful for you to rant about.

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How so?

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Your subtitle; "Is the data useful for anything?"

The data are useful for you to rant about. So much attention paid to data so useless.

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Sometimes useless data tells volumes about other, unrelated, things, in unexpected ways.

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This is nuts. You're basing all this on the lies manufactured by the people reporting "cases." PCR at stupid-high Cts is how they generated all this "data." It's not real, any more than the pertussis cases in New England in 2006/07 were real. By the CDC's own admission, "covid" is 72 times less likely to kill the average American than an automobile accident is. Just 40,000 Americans die in car crashes every year. That implies fewer than 600 deaths "from covid." Combine that with the near-total disappearance of the flu plus symptoms that are identical to those of colds and flu, and there's a really strong case to be made that there was never a novel coronavirus at all.

If you look a little deeper, like at the roles and background of Birx, Pottinger, and Scott Gottlieb; at Fauci's unrecorded CIA visits; at the "tabletop exercises" (rehearsals) in the years leading up to 2020; at Fauci's prediction that Trump's administration would see a pandemic; and at the ideating about total control done by Gates and the WHO (among others)--there's even less reason to believe that a novel coronavirus really existed. Call me a conspiracy nut. I don't care. But 40 Ct PCR is a big fat liar and the pertussis outbreak that wasn't ought to be enough reasons to doubt that a 99.998% survivable cold virus, even if it existed, caused more than a few hundred deaths globally .

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I suspect you didn't read the entire article. In the first place, we are not basing anything on cases, but only deaths. In the second place we began by pointing out the flaws in the data - flaws that inhibit anyone from knowing how many so called covid deaths were caused by SARS-CoV-2. Third, our article argues the same basic points you make, namely that covid mortality (even if we accept the official numbers) was minor, that the numbers prove covid did not cause any excess deaths, and that covid mortality numbers was likely tracking something other than a novel virus. I invite you to read the article again.

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You could have a "novel virus" that led to all these excess deaths ... if the reaction to the virus is what really killed almost all of the "extra" people who died. That is, the virus is barely lethal but the response is a massive killer. These are iatrogenic deaths and panic deaths and vaccine deaths - not deaths caused by a virus. The virus was probably real and very contagious - it just wasn't lethal.

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It was always the fear that drove people into doing foolish things or allowing them to be done to others.

Nevertheless I will keep saying the same thing to you Bill. There was no virus, only the 'flu rebranded and the 'flu is not, repeat not, contagious. People will not understand what is really going on until this is taken on board. They will then have the strength to resist big pharma etc. lies.

Big pharma uses the fraudulent viral germ theory to promote their poisonous products by reinventing diseases and calling them fancy names to make them and its medical cronies look clever.


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totally agree. I had covid in February 2020 and it was unlike any illness I'd ever had. Worst of it lasted only 3 days for me (although I remember thinking on about day 2 that if this goes on for more than a few days I could die), but I had lingering symptoms, mostly weird joint pain in my spine, for several weeks. I'm of the opinion that we did indeed have a novel virus (likely created in a lab) that turned out to be survivable by most.

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Your view jibes with my view. I had "something" in late January 2020. I also felt like I might have to be hospitalized, but I rallied and was almost back to 100 percent in, say, 2 weeks. I was very sick for a week and some of my symptoms were not like previous bouts of the flu - so I think it was s/thing different or new.

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PCR ... perfectly contaminated results.

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The report, published by the Correlation Research in the Public Interest on Sept. 17 – which has not yet been peer-reviewed – quantified the vaccine-dose fatality rate (vDFR) across all ages, which measures the ratio of vaccine-induced deaths to the total number of vaccines administered to the population.

The researchers found that the mean of all-ages fatal toxicity by injection of the vDFR of 1 death per 800 injections across all ages and countries.

In other words, of the 13.25 billion injections delivered as of Sept. 2, 2023, 17 million died from vaccine-related deaths.

To learn more :


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It will be interesting to see your answer to your question after you have published re latitude/temperature.

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Oct 17, 2023
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Thanks. We'll try to get that fixed.

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