Super article. At www.australiaexitsthewho.com.au a small group of dedicated volunteers have been working hard to expose the connections and explain how the dots join. The recent #plasmidgate revelations show that there was nothing accidental about the ability of the bioweapon to enter our cell nucleus. How much longer can the "they are lying and they know that we know they are lying" continue from our Govt's and the authorities that have visited this disaster upon us? And how much worse will it be if the WHO's IHR Amendments become reality? The WHO is a UN Agency and WEF partner, 86% financed not by member nations but by "donors" led by the Gates Foundation.

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People are ignoring the common denominator in these issue. The both were constructs of the UN tentacles.

The Club of Rome is the creator and the objective is the same. Population reduction. The Club of Rome is the parent of the WEF.

Don't forget the WEF is wall to wall with eugenicists.

From the book page 75 "The First Global Revolution" (1993). 2nd ed.

“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

Their new book has been released. EARTH FOR ALL – A SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR HUMANITY – 2022.

What is very interesting is that the EIR published a report written by Carol Lerner way back in 1977 laying out the strategy. Rockefeller Brother’s Fund Issues Blueprint for No-Energy Economy Link is here https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1977/eirv04n07-19770215/eirv04n07-19770215_013-the_unfinished_agenda_will_finis.pdf

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Nice summary. After watching about 15 scientists present their reasoning this summer, it appears the UN's IPCCC first model was flawed, left out the effects of the largest greenhouse gas, WATER VAPOR! However, with so many scientists involved in this modeling and projection project, there was no easy way to go back and fix this massive oversight. By now, this seriously flawed UN projection has woven its way into children's schoolrooms around the world, having children today believe they are in some way responsible for the urgent plight of the earth! May as well be teaching kids how to do Voodoo. CO2 is essential to support life on earth and measurements show we are already hovering near the lowest value recorded. Push that net-zero false agenda, the earth may soon fail to support most lifeforms. Reversing climate errors, reviving deserts and reclaiming farmland are not easy tasks, may take a century or more to correct. As for those who still believe in Rockefeller-based pixie dust, "Their" program to control the food supply is on full display for all who care to see.

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Diamond Princess was a perfect clinical trial for me w a few sickly old folks stricken and every type of potential exposure possible in NYC crowded & chaotic daily life. What shocked me then and remains almost unbelievable is how genuine NY tough folks who eat street food in subways & pack together like sardines for hours weekly suddenly folded like lawn chairs afraid of fresh air and sunshine. For the Big Apple loving photographer in me it was an outstanding experience but as a community it was tragically sad to see the magnitude of fear induced compliance in the emptiness.

Grand Central Rush Hour Wednesday April 15, 2020 America's tax return deadline date


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Seeing the elderly here still wearing masks outside makes me furious at those who have deliberately scared them so badly. So much of this is inhuman & evil.

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I breath out a big sigh of relief (lol), aka humanity is finally waking up ; ) mostly . . . hopefully.

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Hope u r right!

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An excellent analysis. And now for arrests and convictions. All the evidence is there and the names of thiese criminals are known: when are the TryBun^Ls...nothing else matters. Thank you in advance: the World.

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Arrests, convictions and spankings

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Fantastic work. Thank you.

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An excellent summary, mirroring what I have already written in my personal blog (https://bamjiinrye.wordpress.com).

I find it disappointing that the Hallett Inquiry in the UK remains focussed on pandemic preparedness and prevention. If a new infective organism appears (and SARS-CoV-2 is any way not entirely new) it may not matter much if it doesn't make people ill. What matters is to work out why some people who get very ill, and thereafter work out how to spot them as they do and apply appropriate treatment. In the case of SARS-CoV-2 it is clear that some people developed a cytokine storm, which is what Covid-19 is; there were some clear predisposing factors - age, obesity, genetic susceptibility among them. It is also clear that developing Covid-19 could be identified by falling O2 saturation and various inflammatory markers in blood. It is also sadly clear that the correct management had already been identified for other types of cytokine storm, and appeared in a major textbook published in 2019, before the recent pandemic (Cron & Behrens, Cytokine Storm Syndrome, Springer). Had these been applied at the outset many deaths would have been prevented. Three years have passed since I drew attention to the book and I have yet to find anyone who has read it; I had one response to a blog in which I praised it suggesting I should not bother with unreliable textbooks, only to find that they hadn't actually read it themself.

In medicine we found a management principle called the 1%-99% Rule; people would spend weeks on the 1% and ignore the 99%. The same rule might as well apply to climate change, but if the 99% cannot be altered (because we have no control over volcanic eruptions, sunspots etc) it's a waste of time dealing with the 1%. That said I have not seen any critical analysis of the part played by deforestation and water diversion, both of which, I suspect, have a far larger influence on climate than fossil fuel burning. Is there such an analysis?

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The same people and the same philosophy supported by the same financiers leading to the same result-the poor will suffer.

The elite continue their hypocritical attempt to preach to the people under the porous umbrella of saving all of us.

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