These documents are not a forgery. The quotes you provide are corroborated by the OWS documentation, and the EUA countermeasures/Pandemic preparedness law in the US and EU. They are very analogous laws, except there is no PREP Act in EU. The EUA countermeasures, under declared public health emergency, (which mRNA vaccines are). These substances are legally outside of the FDA/EMA regulations of pharmaceuticals, and can be adulterated or misbranded. Due to their legal status, clinical trials are not possible, as it is not possible to obtained legal informed consent for substance that can be freely adulterated (nobody knows what's in the actual injected dose at any given time). The decision to push these substances onto deceived public was made even before 2020. They were ready to start injecting as soon as the manufacturing was ramped up, and "clinical trials" had no impact on "approval". They were only necessary to deceive the public, and most importantly to deceive the professionals that this was really a medical product. It is not. Legally, it is a weapon (poison).

You should acquaint yourself with the laws that govern Pandemic racket and EUA countermeasures. BioNTech has licensed its product to Pfizer, and the product's marketed name is "Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine", so again, it's not an indication of forgery, the product is correctly named.


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2020?? Hell, these freaks have been planning this for decades. Dr. David Martin has gathered so much irrefutable documentation (proof....remember when that mattered?) on this score. It's nuts that these perps aren't in jail. Here, in the new and improved Clown World, I guess we shouldn't be surprised.

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They planned mass murder and maiming and you think jail is appropriate?

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Writer is Robert Kogon, .....

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german here. the leak was publicly done in conjunction with a photo from the internal “end of pandemic” party. that photo is real and the rki did not deny the leaked data. they only said that they’re unhappy.

the whistleblower accumulated the documents over time, grabbing them from the internal archive system which apparently does not track user access.

website for the leak: https://rki-transparenzbericht.de/

the german antiquated press is collectively running headlines like “corona protocols leaked: and where’s the scandal?”.

they are with their butts on the oven because they know about their guilt. alena buyx, ex head od the german ethics board which gave green light to volksverhetzung, gleichschaltung and overall fascism of the time, months back already was on a panel with the press telling them “be careful how you deal with the past. this is gonna backfire on all of you as well.”.

these leaks are real. bit nothing will happen because the germans are lethargic sheep. and all the courts went along, condemning people to prison terms, resting their justifications on exactly that rki.

recently the interior intelligence agency outright banned the most successful opposition magazine claiming “aggressive appearance” and justifying the classification with “they declared to oppose the system”. “the system” of course is the holy democracy. and so they delegitimize democracy. yet, none of this is any sort of crime in any kind of law in germany.

but the courts go along.

germany is completely fucked. and the guilt lies with my people.

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"the germans are lethargic sheep." So are the USA and other Western nations, do you have any insight into how this was done? The lethargy I mean, it seems everyone is in a waking dream state.

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3

denazification. we’ve been raised with fear of hitlers reincarnation to the point that most are blind to the fact that it has been used to construct another kind of fascism. they even actively fight you if you call anything fascism. denazification was used to put focus on people, not methods. for the rest of the world it’s “our democracy”.

the german republic was founded with nazis in it’s ranks even. see hans globke.

it’s a cult.

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Sabine Stebel spoke of the BioNTech head research/owner knowing stuff before 2020 and getting his cloth-shot in the door. it’s in this interview here with Dr. Malik from couple months ago. She’s done some work looking into this as well


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CLOT-SHOT, not cloth shot

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I wish, I could say as a Canadian, I'm glad I'm not German but we're on that same slippery slope. What I read and saw about what was done to that conservative paper and how they're going after AfD is chillingly frightening. The West as a whole is playing with fire.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31Liked by PANDA

Wouldn't the possible early "interaction" between the EMA and Pfizer (or BioNTech) indicate what we suspect may be the case, that the so-called vaccines were already in the pipeline in early 2020, because as some have said "when you realise the virus was brought in for the vaccines rather than the other way round the picture begins to make more sense"

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Indeed. Those were my closing words in this review article which I wrote:


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I just read your article, I thought it was good and hit the right notes, thanks.

In terms of the idea of the "virus being introduced for the vaccines", I think I first heard that sentiment expressed by Reiner Feullmich and it certainly seems to fit the facts as we know them

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BioNTech's "vaccine" was certainly in the pipeline in early 2020, in fact surely in late 2019, as I show here: https://brownstone.org/articles/biontech-pfizer-vax-timeline/ But Pfizer had nothing whatsoever to do with it at this stage, and in fact we know from the concordant remarks of both Ugur Sahin and Phil Dormitzer (who was Pfizer's mRNA specialist) that Pfizer initially refused BioNTech's overtures. It's only when Sahin went over Dormitzer's head to Kathrin Jansen, who happens to be German and did her academic training in Marburg, that Pfizer agreed.

Aya Velazquez accuses Füllmich of being "controlled opposition", if memory serves. I never followed him much, but I know that he did try to point to the role of BioNTech, whereas the RKI leaks are diverting attention away from it -- which is very useful for the German government. Everyone can draw their own conclusions.

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this is what I was thinking while reading the article. 'New virus' and 'vaccine' were allready developed long before 2020. On this background an interaction between Pfizer and RKI in April 2020 makes sense. Maybe somebody with the RKI-staff put item of that meeting into the minutes without realizing this might end up in a need of explanation if ever published. Maybe it was done deliberatly.

TKP (Austrian Newsplatform) published article on topic of sars-cov-spike declared as being a bio-weapon by DARPA in 2005. English version can be found here


German version is this https://tkp.at/2023/12/10/dr-david-martin-an-sars-cov-2-wurde-seit-58-jahren-gearbeitet/

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Of course there would be early contact between Pfizer and EMA if the whole pandemic was a planned evolution.

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You mean they lied again? I'm shocked.

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