As a retired journalist myself, I theorise that the great silence has less to do with direct financial interests than with the general desire of journalists to Do Good, or at least to be seen to be doing it. The political polarisation of covid, and the early arguments about what constituted altruism, have both been enormously influential. And then one needs to consider that almost all journalists are innumerate and scientifically illiterate.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Nick Hudson

Well written Nick, thank you for your honesty and bravery. By my own observation within my circles it seems that those that got CV before the vaccine were better off than those that got the vaccine then Covid. Maybe one of the reasons Sweden did better even though they also eventually rolled out the vaccine. It seems that the vaccine was not as damaging to those that already had acquired naturally immunity but this is only based on personal observation. Keep up the good work against a level of Evil the world has never seen

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#Faucism = #omertà #CodeOfSilence #MedicalTyranny #MedicalMafia #MedicalBoards = #GreatReset = #Amerika

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Nick Hudson

At this point, even if the mainstream media and medical journals started reporting the truth about what just happened, I wouldn't believe them.

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Can you imagine what intellectually honest, scientifically curious people would find by starting with a hypothesis that Covid the Virus Itself caused almost none of the excess death instead of assuming it caused most of it?

(I can, and so can you, Nick - which is how we know it will be a long time before anyone breaks omertà.)

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Looking back at this article two years later.

Would not change a thing about what I said :)

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Nick Hudson

We know quite a few of those folks eh Emma? The very fact that none of us can get the ear of major media or policy makers is proof enough that we are on to something very inconvenient for those who have perpetuated this fiasco. So you are right, they will fight til the bitter end against breaking the code of silence. At some point, hopefully, it will be their undoing.

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I know you and I have been on the same page for awhile regarding "covid suddenly being everywhere at once."

IMO, like Lombardi, New York City is such an exception that it proves the rule.

"The rule" being that covid isn't much deadlier than flu, if at all, and was circulating in the U.S. and elsewhere for some time, minding its own business and not doing much to write home about. Lockdowns kill.



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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Nick Hudson

Yes - more and more folks coming around to this. Just not the "Family" members.

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I do think it will be their undoing. As attention rolls on to the next fabricated crisis, my sense is that many more people are beginning to doubt. Our colleague, Jonathan Engler, thinks that the number of people who accept that governments indulge in extensive propaganda, propelling entirely false narratives in numerous domains, has increased by orders of magnitude. I think he is correct.

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One challenge for people psychologically is that, if they chose to get vaccinated for non-medical virtue reasons (i.e., "to protect others," "to be good citizen," "to help end the pandemic"), they were convinced by the propaganda. Even if the propaganda appealed to/is aligned the beliefs & worldview they already held, it's hard to admit you were taken in.

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It is certainly the case for folks who can think for themselves and are not irreparably tainted by bias. If the past 2.5 years haven't awakened an individual to the degree of propaganda regularly employed by most govts at most times, promoting narratives that are not in the best interests of the populous, then there is no hope for them.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Nick Hudson

-> "check's in the mail"

-> "just the tip"

-> "safe and effective"

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Nick Hudson

I found this via "Uncutnews" from Switzerland today (they translated it into german)


"Six recent “Covid” deaths, per the Milwaukee coroner’s office"

Please take a good look at the 100% "Covid" deaths. It is that way since the fraud started and they still keep going with it.

You won't find a conscience in those with power "surely someone is going to locate a conscience and break ranks?". Sorry Mr. Hudson, it simply is that way. You remember Mr. Snowden? He found his conscience but what did he change? Nothing. Mr. Manning? Nothing. The criminals (politicians, soldiers, agents, ... are still in office or enjoy there pension while Snowden will never see his home again and Manning will most likely die in prison.

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Their pensions are about to be worth nothing, thanks to another great swindle--fiat currency central banking and modern monetary theory.

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Don't know if the above link works. If not then look at the BBC website. The heading of the article is "Dying patient should have been seen in person".

26 year old man died when an ear infection turned into a fatal abscess on his brainstem. His GP surgery refused to see him 4 times and even cancelled a blood test in case he had covid.

The BBC don't mind reporting these sort of "tragedies" but won't delve into whether this shows lockdowns and withdrawal of services was a good idea.

It's not investigative journalism because Ofcom told them they weren't to investigate anything to do with the whole pandemic response. So they haven't. Which is depressing. I watched that film about the Washington Post the other day - that's the sort of journalism needed. Sadly, the Post is just as bad as all the others now.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Nick Hudson

Excellent thanks. Also we mustn't forget that all or nearly all mainstream reporters as well as their bosses will have almost certainly been 'vaccinated' themselves, so a level of denial is probably natural. It'd be one thing for them to report the 'vaccines' are simply ineffective but perhaps another to admit they might cause future harms not yet revealed, meaning those same reporters might be in for a similar fate themselves some time in the future. In that scenario a "head in the sand" attitute is probably understandable in a way, rather than facing up to what might happen over which they have no control

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A lot of people around me who took a shot or two have recanted. They're not in denial. No booster is coming anywhere near them, and I think they'd adopt the same stance with respect to any monkey pox, RSV or rhinovirus injection that was proffered. Journalists who have their strident support in print may find it harder.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Nick Hudson

It's strange Nick, I've also come across many people who say "that's enough, no more boosters", but in my experience people don't seem willing to take that extra step and openly admit the 'vaccines' might have caused harm. It seems they stop because they believe (rightly) that the jabs dont seem to be needed any more, but the other thing, that people have been harmed or have died, that's what I haven't heard. Just the other day in the pub I heard someone say their friend was in an induced coma a day or two after a booster, but the conclusion of the people listening, all jabbed themselves, was "it couldn't have been the 'vaccine'. Astonishing

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